Sentences with phrase «toxic industrial chemicals»

Experts need to rapidly identify trace gases when detecting toxic industrial chemicals, identifying disease indicators, or monitoring the proliferation of nuclear or chemical weapons.
Green products also minimize toxic industrial chemicals and contribute to a healthy home environment.
There are many toxic industrial chemicals and their management has been far less careful than that of nuclear materials and the consequence of that have in some situations been disastrous.
To test the validity of the method, a second study examined 10 key hazards under the purview of the Department, including earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, pandemic influenza, nuclear detonation, explosive bombing, anthrax attack, cyber-attack on critical infrastructure, accidents involving toxic industrial chemicals, and oil spills.
A bipartisan effort to revamp how the U.S. government tests and regulates toxic industrial chemicals reached a new milestone last week when a Senate panel easily advanced a measure to overhaul the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
Alpha - lipoic acid supplements have also proved effective in minimizing liver toxicity following exposure to poisons such as heavy metals (including lead) and toxic industrial chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride.
Rapid identification of trace gases — offered by IRcell — is critical when working to detect toxic industrial chemicals, disease indicators or when monitoring for the proliferation of nuclear or chemical weapons.
The toughening of Chinese regulations stems originally from a series of health scandals in China involving Chinese companies cutting corners in their production, the worst of which was in 2008 when six babies died and 300,000 were seriously ill after drinking formula contaminated with the toxic industrial chemical melamine.
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) are toxic industrial chemicals that were banned in the U.S. in 1979.
Those works are not done with exposure to the elements, but instead are made from exposure to the toxic industrial chemicals threatening nature's survival.
Invented novel multivariate algorithms to monitor ambient air in detecting Chemical warfare agents and Toxic industrial chemicals
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