Sentences with phrase «toxic oligomers»

Finally, that the onset of Alzheimer's disease coincides with immunosenescence, indicates that the immune system is constantly disposing of toxic oligomers while leaving plaque untouched, until due to its decline with age, the immune system is unable to remove those oligomers and the disease appears.
The antibody created at Northwestern binds to the toxic oligomers and could one day deliver therapies to the brain or help clinicians evaluate how a patient is responding to a new medication.

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At the same time, researchers have found that much smaller protein clusters called oligomers — made of only a few copies of these proteins — can be highly toxic to motor neuron - like cells grown in the lab and thus are more likely to be the chief causes of brain - cell death in these diseases.
While these compounds did not reduce the amount of protein aggregates, they were found to reduce the protein's toxicity and to increase the stability of amyloid fibrils — a finding that lends further evidence to the theory that smaller assemblies of amyloid - beta known as oligomers, and not the fibrils themselves, are the toxic agents responsible for Alzheimer's symptoms.
When this happens, molecular nutrients can no longer move to where they are needed and the oligomers produce toxic effects leading to the eventual death of the brain cells.
This new MRI probe technology is detecting something different from conventional technology: toxic amyloid beta oligomers instead of plaques, which occur at a stage of Alzheimer's when therapeutic intervention would be very late.
In a recent study, researchers at Tel Aviv University found that potent extracts from cinnamon bark inhibit the toxic amyloid polypeptide oligomers and fibrils that have been found in people with age - related cognitive issues.
PS oligomer and BPA from plastic decomposition are toxic and can be metabolized, while styrene monomer is a suspected carcinogen.
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