Sentences with phrase «toxic substances»

Toxic substances are harmful materials that can cause damage to living things when they come into contact with them. Full definition
Your dog's liver is vital to the digestion and absorption of nutrients, the storage of vitamins and minerals, and the elimination of toxic substances from the blood.
When the digestive system is damaged it leads to improper nutrient absorption and an increase in toxic substances in the body.
There is also the possibility of releasing toxic substances from a sewer line break which in turn can become and environmental problem if it is not contained.
Once the gel absorbs into the skin, it can get rid of bacteria and other toxic substances to give you a clearer complexion.
Or, maybe, alcohol in pregnancy is like other potentially toxic substances in that the dose makes the poison.
When looking into painted toddler beds, make sure that the finishing does not contain toxic substances such as lead.
However, extra care must be taken to ensure that these items do not contain toxic substances such as foam, gel, or glue.
Also, try to avoid toxic substances like alcohol, drugs and tobacco.
We are surrounded by toxic substances everywhere we go, at work and also in the home.
And, that sugar is the most toxic substance in the diet.
This makes it virtually impossible to carry out experiments to determine the long - term effect of toxic substances on a living organism.
We represent individuals who have suffered damage from the discharge of toxic substances into the environment.
They are toxic substances which generate all manner of damage and imbalance.
Using organic ingredients when you can is also important as sometimes the skin of the lemon can contain many toxic substances such as pesticides which can slow down the cleansing process.
For example, excessive yeast produces toxic substances that can pass through the blood - brain barrier and alter neurological functioning causing «brain fog,» behavior problems and learning difficulties.
Adding more fresh produce to your diet, will ensure that no more toxic substances are absorbed into your body and you will start to feel more energetic and have better digestion as well.
It is especially important to keep potentially toxic substances out of reach of pets when you have a puppy in the house since puppies get into everything.
The kidneys rely on proper hydration to remove waste products from the blood and eliminate toxic substances in the urine.
Just like children, you must keep toxic substances away from your pet.
While a warning about toxic substances seems like a good thing, it leaves consumers without real information about what harm these substances can actually do at the levels in the product.
When you drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or marijuana, take medications or use recreational drugs, potentially toxic substances enter your breastmilk.
Certain behaviors and medical conditions can compromise this wall, allowing toxic substances and bacteria to enter the bloodstream.
Just be certain your hands are thoroughly free of toxic substances before you do this.
It's the natural way the body eliminates harmful toxic substances from the system.
Former workers have suffered skin cancer, lung cancer and breathing complaints, which they claim are due to exposure to toxic substances at work.
Most veterinarians carry information on common toxic substances for pets.
It also reacts to some toxins in our bodies, converting them into less toxic substances.
Never store toxic substances in bottles or jars that could be mistaken for food products.
This question becomes particularly pertinent when considering toxic substances such as pesticides and some of the ingredients that go into cosmetics.
This is a bad place for fats as they can potentially turn into very toxic substances from here.
Its main function is to increase production of glutathione, which helps dissolve toxic substances in the liver.
It works like a filter by preventing toxic substances contained in foods from passing in our blood stream.
We don't regulate toxic substances that aren't abused.
The particular advantage of this device is that it allows researchers to watch how liver cells react to toxic substances directly and in real time.
The liver is designed to transform toxic substances into compounds that our kidneys can remove from the body.
Another common location where many victims encounter toxic substances is in their own homes or in the homes of people they know.
Some vets believe that dogs that are constantly exposed to various toxic substances, sun and stress are more likely to develop autoimmune conditions.
With that in place, toxic substances passing through the digestive system will trigger a reaction in the flora, leading to a faster and more effective immune response.
You'll also need to buy a few sheets — make sure they are made of cotton, preferably from organic cotton to minimize the amounts of toxic substances close to your baby.
People have actually taken small drops of the remnants, and view them under a microscope, only to view toxic substances.
Our society consumes a large amount of toxic substances daily.
This is a tricky little system that helps pump toxic substances out of cells, or prevent their entry in the first place!
Skin, the body's largest organ, is a natural protector against toxic substances, dehydration, infection, and ultraviolet light.
After all, our cats, dogs and other companion animals live in a shared environment with us and are exposed to the same toxic substances in our homes and yards.
These «toxins» can be helpful drugs prescribed by your veterinarian, normal body products that would be toxic if they weren't filtered, or actual toxic substances.
In that situation, it can no longer clear toxic substances from the pet's body as well as it once did.

Phrases with «toxic substances»

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