Sentences with phrase «trace elements like»

Did you know that sauerkraut isn't just loaded with beneficial bacteria, it is also a really good source of fiber, and it contains a wealth of vitamins like C as well as K, minerals like iron, as well as potassium as well as trace elements like zinc.
As a whole, sea buckthorn oil is high in essential fatty acids, phytosterols, antioxidants and trace elements like copper, iron and selenium.

Not exact matches

Like many plant - derived foods, chocolate is a notable source of numerous trace elements, vitamins and other nutrients, including:
The cores preserve evidence of trace elements in the atmosphere in a way that can be precisely dated by year, like tree rings.
Earlier this year, researchers discovered that periods when the ocean had high levels of trace elementslike zinc, copper, manganese and selenium — seemed to overlap with periods of high productivity, including the Cambrian explosion, when most groups of living animals first appeared.
Like unseen puppet masters, these trace elements control all the living things in the oceans, yet stubbornly resist our best efforts to detect them.
The method also shows promise for tracking water from source to destination, which could be valuable for government agencies that want to understand how aquifers are linked or want to trace the flow of elements like pollutants in a water supply, he said.
The first indications of life outside our solar system won't be like a sci - fi film — they'll be chemical traces of the elements of life in the atmosphere of a far - away planet.
Like all trace elements in the soil, cobalt is a precursor to enzymes.
Additionally, essential metals like calcium can be toxic at supraphysiologic levels and chromium as the Cr +3 ion is an essential trace element important for maintaining correct blood sugar levels, but as the Cr +6 ion is a known human lung carcinogen.
«Selenium is an essential trace element found in protein - rich foods like red meat, seafood and nuts.
For a carnivore, like your dog, this means a diet that is based on meat (around 70 percent meat, and 30 percent carbohydrate, vegetable matter, fibre, and natural sources of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and antioxidants).
All the elements are in place; huge budget, decent developer, tech know - how, bombastic set - pieces that would make a cocker spaniels eyes bleed; yet like a crude hand - traced version of a great work of art, something doesn't seem right.
Impressions of the human form are visible through elements like casts of orifices, handprints, and other traces, which indicate particular bodily placements in relation to her forms.
The way in which he reduces painterly elements and traces of the human hand predicated and contemporaneously evolved alongside Minimalist pioneers like Donald Judd and Dan Flavin.
A formula with this many nutrients would have to contain the 11 main elements, 15 essential and 36 partly essential or beneficial trace elements, 1 vitamins, coenzymes or vitamin like substances, 3 essential fatty acids and 21 amino acids.
However, for many of these pages Google Analytics does not trace all elements that are important to us so we defined click - through rate (CTR) areas and elements like related stories, share buttons, sidebar, popular v.s. latest etc..
We've already seen traces of new features built into Marshmallow, and Apple has introduced some new elements like 3D Touch that will merit a response from Google, so we've got a few clues to begin with.
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