Sentences with phrase «trace quantities»

In September, scientists for India's Chandrayaan - 1 and two other spacecraft announced the discovery of trace quantities of water over much of the moon's surface, which may be created in this process.
While consumption of industrial trans fats are associated with a 34 % higher risk of death, naturally occurring ones — such as those found in trace quantities in beef — are not, the study found.
Hi, It is the buckwheat greens that contains fagopyrin (a naturally occurring substance in the buckwheat plant), the buckwheat groats contain only trace quantities of fagopyrin and are safe to eat.
Before the 2004 study, known as EIFEX, the European Iron Fertilization Experiment, scientists had conducted 11 experiments at sea to explore how trace quantities of iron may encourage the growth of algae.
If the nanoparticles contain elements such as Pt, Au, Cd, Ag or lanthanides that are not generally present in body fluids then trace quantities of these nanoparticles can be detected.
Found naturally only in trace quantities and seminal to alternate nuclear reactor fuels, protactinium is an extremely rare element that could reveal new trends among nearby actinide elements, including uranium.
The leaves of stevia rebaudiana are sweet, but contain only trace quantities of sugar.
About 74 percent of the Sun's mass is hydrogen, 25 percent is helium, and the rest is made up of trace quantities of heavier elements.
According to a Mothering Magazine article, entitled «The Joy of Cloth Diapers» «Dioxin, which in various forms has been shown to cause cancer, birth defects, liver damage, and skin diseases, is a by - product of the paper - bleaching process used in manufacturing disposable diapers, and trace quantities may exist in the diapers themselves.»
Yet another harmful chemical, found in bleached disposables in only trace quantities, is dioxin.
The report concluded that, given what is currently known, «trace quantities of pharmaceuticals in drinking water are very unlikely to pose risks to human health.»
In September 1942, Seaborg and his team isolated a trace quantity of plutonium in Room 405 of the George Herbert Jones Laboratory.
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