Sentences with phrase «trachea as»

I understand the benefits of the trachea as an incredible source of glucosamine and chondroitin.
She also faces weak lungs and a collapsed trachea as well as concerns with her heart.
It also follows the story of a woman who received an engineered trachea as part of a clinical trial Macchiarini was conducting in Krasnodar, Russia.
Kaiba's doctors contacted Glenn Green, a doctor who, along with his colleagues at the University of Michigan, was developing custom - fit tubes to wrap around a collapsed trachea as an irritant - free way to hold the airway open.
You can use large bully sticks or dehydrated cow tracheas as a long - lasting chew the dog has to work to eat.

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Meanwhile, scientists at Cornell University are at work on prototypes for a 3D printed ear, and at Mount Sinai Hospital, research is focused on bioprinting trachea, more commonly known as windpipes.
In November the Lancet published the results of an international research project whereby a Colombian lady received a new trachea (windpipe) which had been grown from a donor trachea (as it were, a «scaffold») repopulated with stem cells, for the very first time, from the patient's own body.
This involves cutting the animal's trachea and esophagus (the carotid artery and jugular veins are also severed in this operation, as are most arteries and veins leading to and from the brain) with a surgically sharp knife that has been thoroughly checked for nicks beforehand.
What happens in car seats is that little heads can slump over, bodies can get in an awkward position and, as happened with Shepard, the trachea can be blocked and cause suffocation.
Between 2011 and 2014, he conducted three such transplants at Karolinska University Hospital, four in cooperation with the Kuban State Medical University in Krasnodar, as part of a formal clinical trial, and one — on a toddler born without a trachea — in Illinois.
Four days later, the team removed the fluid covering the cells, leaving them open to the air while still being sustained and supported from below, as they would be in the trachea.
And I created organs — such as the lungs, trachea, and larynx — with vibrating vocal chords, as well as nose and mouth cavities for resonance.»
«They are still seen as success stories in trachea regeneration,» he says — but how they are really doing is unclear.
«Macchiarini has now responded to the report, released last month, that concluded he was guilty of scientific misconduct as part of his clinical testing of artificial tracheas that he has helped pioneer,» Gretchen Vogel reported today at ScienceInsider.
► «Pressure on surgeon Paolo Macchiarini,» who «is under a cloud of controversy after colleagues and media reports questioned the ethics of [his artificial trachea] operations and the accuracy of papers he published about their success,» continues to increase «as the Karolinska Institute (KI) in Stockholm says it will try to cut ties with him before his current contract runs out in November,» Gretchen Vogel wrote on Wednesday.
«As we produce something that can replace a segment of trachea, we'll constantly be modifying and optimizing, the correct bio materials, the correct way to bond the cells to the scaffold.
Each front leg exhibits a single ear below the knee with two eardrums (also known as tympanic membranes), which are backed by a narrow cylindrical tube (the acoustic trachea) running along the leg internally and opening out on the side of the insect's body.

The mass Kelsey referred to in her email was in an area where a lot of things can go wrong, what we call the mediastinum — the middle of the chest between the lungs, where several important organs, such as the heart, trachea, and esophagus, reside.

In stage T4a larynx cancer the tumor grows through the thyroid cartilage and / or into tissues beyond the larynx, such as the thyroid gland, trachea, esophagus, tongue muscles, or neck muscles.
In other cases tissue is absent and needs to be rebuilt from scratch — as in a recent case of a young girl with an absent trachea.
The technique, known as external stenting (ES), expands and stabilizes the airway by suspending its wall to a rigid prosthesis placed around the bronchus or trachea.
But the virus doesn't cling as well in the trachea, which could limit H7N9's ability to spread among people via coughs or sneezes.
The essence of the allegations surrounding Paolo Macchiarini and the Karolinska Institute is not about whether or not his plastic tracheas work — even Paolo Macchiarini himself does now admit that they have not performed as he had wished.
These branch - like passageways, also known as bronchi, carry air from the windpipe, or trachea, to the lungs.
Croup, otherwise known as largeotracheobronchits, meaning inflammation of the larynx, trachea and bronchitis, is one of the most common occurrences in children between the ages of six months and three years old.
It is made up of two halves, called lobes, that lie along the windpipe (trachea) and are joined together by a narrow band of thyroid tissue, known as the isthmus.
Collapsed trachea is condition where the wind pipe is flattened as the muscles around it gets weak.
He advises retailers to carry staples of the category, such as bully sticks, tendons, tracheas and jerky, and then flank them with newer and trending types of chews like naturally shed elk, deer and moose antlers.
This is especially important with breeds such as the Boston Terrier, which have a tendency to have trachea problems anyway.
Some vets recommend a tracheostomy (permanent opening through the neck into the trachea) as the preferred treatment for accute laryngeal collapse.
You need to work with an experienced vet homeopath to fully help both collapsing trachea and heart disease as these are both deep manifestations of chronic internal imbalance.
Also known as the windpipe, the trachea carries air from your dog's nose to his lungs.
Bordetella is probably better known amongst our canine friends as the bacterium responsible for causing trachea - bronchitis or «kennel cough» in dogs.
- Obesity - Anesthesia involving the placement of an endotracheal tube - Development of kennel cough or other respiratory infection - Increased respiratory irritants in the air (cigarette smoke, dust, etc.)- Heart enlargement (the heart can get so big that it presses on the trachea)- If a secondary factor such as one of those listed above should occur and make a previously incidental collapsed trachea a problem, often removal of the secondary factor (weight loss program, getting an air filter, etc.) may clear up the symptoms of the collapsed trachea.
It is positioned inside the trachea to help the dog breath and is often referred to as a tracheal stent
heart, slipping patellas, Alopecia X, better known as black skin disease, and trachea problems.
Question: Maltese / 11 1/2 pounds / CongestiveHeart Failure ¿ DCM Medication: ¿ Salix 12.5 mg ¿ 1 tablet 3x a day (until a few days ago it was 1 pill 2x a day) ¿ Enalapril 5 mg ¿ 1/2 tablet 2x a day ¿ Temaril - P ¿ 1/2 tablet 1 to 2x a day as needed for allergies (about to taper her down) ¿ Torbutrol 1 mg ¿ 1/4 tablet as needed for trachea collapse coughing ¿ Vetmedin 1.25 mg ¿ 1 tablet 2x a day NEW Other: ¿ K / d diet ¿ No exercise She had a really hard time breathing last week, vet gave her 2 Furosemide injections and oxygen therapy and added the Vetmedin to her daily medicine.
For dogs that love a new taste sensation, Barkworthies in Richmond, Va., has introduced its Australian Gourmet Line featuring long - lasting, all - natural chews such as Beef Trachea with Kangaroo Filling.
Kennel Cough, also known as infectious tracheobronchitis or Bordetella, is a highly contagious respiratory disease which causes inflammation to occur in the trachea and bronchi.
In the animal with a cough or any other breathing problem, the veterinarian will use a number of tools to determine if the cause is heart disease, lung disease (such as collapsing trachea) or both (which is often the case in older dogs).
Once unconsciousness is produced a tube, known as an endotracheal tube is placed in the trachea (windpipe).
It is important that you ask other medical questions such as Epilepsy or seizures, collapsed trachea, about vaccinations, worming, as well as how they are eating.
In some, their windpipe (trachea) is also narrow or flabby (although that is a common problem in many small breeds like Chihuahuas and Pomeranians as well).
I cough sometimes due to a slight bend in my trachea which will improve as I lose weight.
For greater control and less pull on your dog's neck / trachea, try a no - pull harness or head - harness such as those made by Gentle Leader.
It is an especially good chew for Katie as the trachea is a great source of natural glucosamine and chondroitin which helps with joint health.
The collapse can affect any part of the trachea (cervical and / or intrathoracic) and even concurrent mainstem bronchial collapse can be commonly found as well.
Chest x-rays allow your veterinarian to evaluate the lungs and heart, as well as portions of the spine, trachea, esophagus, and sometimes even the first part of the abdomen.
The extrathoracic trachea can be stented as well intraluminally.
Procedures can be performed through smaller incisions or natural body openings such as the trachea, urethra, or via vascular access.
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