Sentences with phrase «track after a vacation»

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From time to time, you may feel the need to go through a Two - Week Test period again to check yourself, or to quickly get back on track after careless eating such as during the holidays, vacations or periods of stress.
Glad to hear you're getting back on track after a fun vacation!
The agoraphobic and overwhelmed Bernadette up and disappears after a fundraiser at her daughter's posh private school, leaving the family scrambling to track her down in time for their planned vacation to Antarctica.
Don't worry about the kids having too much fun, and remember to track your expenses, budget wisely and save a little cash away for those less than sunny days when you have emergencies come up — that little nest egg could soon become another fun family vacation to celebrate after a hard year's work!
After mulling it over, I was eventually convinced we should spend our last days of vacation hiking the Milford Track...
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