Sentences with phrase «track of the conversation»

It's great for keeping track of conversations and building those all important relationships.
You'll never lose track of a conversation or project again.
Remember to have clear mind when you're in a job interview; don't lose track of the conversation and always keep your cool.
Applications such as monitter and Trackur can help you keep track of the conversation across the Web.
WHEN it's noisy, you can still keep track of a conversation amid the sound of revving motorcycles or a raucous cocktail party.
Another requirement for this project was to design a service that can keep track of the conversation flow, match the conversation against the template, and determine whether the learner is making the right comments at the right points in the conversations.
You can keep track of the conversation by following the #ClimateThanks thread.
One night, over dinner with Hsieh and his friends at Carson Kitchen, a new high - end restaurant in what was once the rundown John E. Carson hotel for men, I lost track of the conversation, reached for a pork slider, considered sipping my Fernet shot, and suddenly realized they were fiercely debating how to explain to me a Holacracy concept called «circle elections.»
You may want to compile the data you gather into a dynamic document (like a Google Drive spreadsheet) to keep track of these conversations and note any shifts you observe, as I have done in the sample chart, below:
Keeping track of the conversation that is happening about your contracting business and even individual contractors on websites, blogs, social media sites, news sites, etc. would be a full - time job... except that our system DOES IT FOR YOU.
Their quick obedience is because we have laid a lot of track to get to that moment, a track of simple age - appropriate and developmentally - appropriate expectations, a track of lavish love and joy and laughter, a track of conversations and coaching and practicing, a track of grilled cheese and kept promises, of chapter books aloud and Saturday chores, of hymns and new songs, of scripture and sunsets, a track of belonging.
Keep track of any conversations you have with your child's teacher, including emails, in order to give the counselor a complete picture of your child's problem.
If you've been online dating for a while, it can be hard to keep track of those conversations.
You do not want to miss out on an opportunity for a relationship or lose track of a conversation.
Once, late at night after an opening, I somehow lost the tracks of the conversations around me so completely that I convinced myself it was time to ask frank and direct questions.
If you've ever had to keep track of a conversation, or just needed to give yourself a verbal note, then you've probably thought about digging out your smartphone to make an audio recording.
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