Sentences with phrase «track the light source»

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But new side - by - side comparisons from EDGI provide a kind of virtual trip back in time to the web before Trump took office, shedding light on the subtle ways that the administration is making it harder to track down information about climate change and alternative energy sources online.
As a single - unit light source, GFP could serve as a perfect molecular tag for tracking genes and proteins in an organism.
Using intense x-rays generated at Berkeley University's Advanced Light Source, the team captured time - resolved images of whirlpool patterns called magnetic vortices as they gyrated along a nanometer - wide half - ring track.
Early tests have demonstrated that the prototype device can track the location of a point light source through 20 centimetres of tissue under normal light conditions.
They then use photo emission electron microscopy at the Advanced Light Source to read out the magnetic structure from this region, demonstrating that the magnetism directly tracks the ferroelectric structure even though no magnetic fields were applied.
It's the audacity of the film - making, however, that's truly bewitching here: the eerie, long tracking shots, the dazzling flares from lighting sources that eclipse the figures, and the spaced - out spookiness of Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans» score, creating an isle full of noises, sounds and sweet airs.
Clay and Tarver discuss the genesis of the screenplay in their yak - track, all the time missing some of the film's most obvious sources (the tail - light gag is really lifted whole cloth from the Drew Barrymore prologue of Scream, isn't it?)
On another track, Towne and cinematographer Caleb Deschanel largely expand on comments made in the attendant Light Source & Imagery EPK, «The Making of Ask the Dust» (13 mins.).
Year 6 Science Assessments and Tracking Objectives covered: Describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics Identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood Recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function Describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution Recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye Explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them Associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit Compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on / off position of switches Use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram
Even if Nintendo were to use the DSi's camera in this fashion, the Wii Remote contains a camera at the front and not a distinctive light source, therefore tracking the Wii Remote and placing a virtual object in the gamer's hand would be almost impossible.
The combination of the controller's easily identifiable light source and the Eye are likely primarily used to place objects in the player's hand in realtime on the screen, and also to track the controller at a coarse level to supplement the data sent by the accelerometer and gyro.
To get back on track, I've already mentioned the torch beam as a source of light, although there's also light sources in the environment such as giant spotlights and lights which can be switched on or swivelled around to burn your enemies up as if they are a couple of feet away from that big glowing fireball in the sky.
Better still is the lighting of the main gallery, where a drop ceiling and tracks allows both indirect and direct sources.
The second exhibition of the South London Gallery is called «I Lost Track of the Swarm» there is a three - channel video installation showing Paul Maheke himself dancing through a scanning light source.
DayRay ™ collectors work without having to track the sun and are effective wherever there is a source of natural light available.»
AllModern is your go to source for modern and contemporary Track Lighting online.
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