Sentences with phrase «tracking by scent»

These dogs are hunters that bring down the game themselves, or hold it at bay until the hunter arrives, or locate the game by tracking it by scent.
Sighthounds hunt by scanning for movement, not tracking by scent, and so have keen eyesight to catch even the slightest disturbance in their surroundings.
There are some dog breeds which are specifically classed as «Scent hounds» as they were bred to hunt or track by scent and endurance, these include the:
If I were to make a list of dogs that can track by scent, then they would be in the top 10 list, and a lot of the breeds listed above wouldn't even be in the top 20 dogs.
Infinite Undiscovery also contains a persistent day / night cycle which adds an interesting bit of strategy: visibility, for both the player and monsters, is reduced at night, though some creatures will be able to track you by scent and sound.

Not exact matches

This way, she can track the amniotic scent on her hands to the similar scent excreted by mom's Montgomery glands.
THE STUDY «Mechanisms of Scent - Tracking in Humans» by Jess Porter et al., published in the January 2007 issue of Nature Neuroscience.
Now scientists at Pasteur Institute and the University of Marseille, both in France, and at the University of California, Santa Barbara, have developed an algorithm that effectively mimics the zigzagging and veering of moths by sending entities trying to track a scent on paths that maximize information gain.
Typically, your puppy's smell sense alerts him to the presence of prey, and he tracks game by following the scent trail.
Doors are left open; gates are left open by workers; car doors are left open; dogs aren't supervised in public; equipment fails (old leashes break; crates and kennels have design flaws or have worn out; broken fencing); dog wasn't trained to Come when called (including learning to find the owner even if the owner can't be seen, meaning being taught some basic scent detection and tracking skills).
Tracking things by scent comes naturally to dogs.
It is thought that the friars of the Abbey of St. Hubert were responsible for crossing strains of older French breeds to create a low - built scenting hound that could plod over rough terrain while followed on foot by a human hunting partner tracking rabbit and deer.
In general, hounds were bred to help humans pursue and catch quarry, either by using exceptional sight and great speed (sight hounds) or by tracking scents (scent hounds) or both.
Ideal Weight Beagles are cheerful dogs, bred originally for tracking hares by scent.
While sight hounds track prey by always keeping them in sight, scent hounds can simply follow their noses so it doesn't matter if they lose sight of their quarry.
As with search and rescue dogs, tracking dogs are handled by a trained handler who is able to instruct the dog to follow the specific scent.
According to Clarissa Von Reinhardt, dogs generally use their eyes first (the less tiring), followed by ears, nose to follow scent, and finally nose to the ground to trail / track.
Hare coursing is the pursuit of hares by greyhounds, which track the hares by sight and not scent.
Its extraordinarily keen sense of smell is combined with a strong and tenacious tracking instinct, producing the ideal scent hound, and it is used by police and law enforcement all over the world to track escaped prisoners, missing people, lost children, and lost pets.
Catnip sprays and other unique products generally have less of an effect than dried or fresh forms, the substance of which is easily released into the environment and even more easily identified by the scrupulous scent - tracking abilities of cats.
Due to their keen sense of smell, they tend to wonder off tracking intriguing scents, and thus they have to be closely watched by their owners.
These wolf - like dogs were trained to help tribes by working alongside hunters, transporting goods, and scent tracking.
They were originally bred to hunt and track small game such as rabbits and hares by scent.
Knowing the hunters would be using a pet creature to track the scent of my footsteps, I decided to start the match by walking up a river, hoping the water would hide my tracks.
But it's no surprise that this mammal's peculiar nose is really something: Research from the University of St. Andrews suggests that elephants can keep track of up to 30 absent members of their family by sniffing out their scent and building a mental map of where they are.
(2) John Preston: Preston, a purported expert in scent tracking hired by the State, testified that his dog, Harass II, had, prior to trial, linked Dillon to the crime scene and the yellow t - shirt.
Preston's claims have been thoroughly discredited by experts in the field of scent tracking, media reports (including an expose on the tv show 20/20), multiple state supreme courts (including the Arizona Supreme Court, which called him a «charlatan»), police training manuals, and law review articles.
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