Sentences with phrase «tracking collars»

The bears were weighed and measured and fitted with tracking collars.
The guy in the second truck asks after his dogs, the playful pack of black labs wearing radio tracking collars I passed coming up the road.
Of 32 cats monitored with electronic tracking collars in a recent study, only 7 were still alive after four years.
Called RAPID («Real - time Anti-Poaching Intelligence Device»), the system consists of a camera embedded in the rhino's horn, a GPS tracking collar around the animal's neck, and a heart rate monitor to keep tabs on its pulse.
Henrik Thurfjell at the University of Alberta, Canada, and his colleagues put GPS tracking collars on 49 female elk in western Canada, and monitored their behaviour over six years.
Every time we fit a satellite tracking collar to a lion, it costs us # 1500 ($ 2350).
The latest tool in the arsenal: real - time tracking collars, developed by the Kenya - based nonprofit Save the Elephants and currently being used on more than 325 animals in 10 countries.
Unlike traditional tracking collars, many of which send geographical coordinates infrequently or store them onboard for later retrieval, these devices» real - time feeds enable rangers to react quickly.
Thanks to hourly GPS position uploads from tracking collars, researchers can reconstruct a day in the life of a wild snow leopard in unprecedented detail.
Bevan tracked the collared cat to a hollow river red gum, which he compared to an «apartment block for life,» a habitat utilized by all sorts of native species, from birds of prey and common brush - tailed possums to witchetty grubs.
Radio - tracking collars help biologists monitor individual foxes and their welfare.
M53 is part of a larger study that includes over 50 lions fitted with tracking collars since 2001.
To date, with your support, Friends of the Island Fox has helped put radio tracking collars on 22 island foxes on the northern islands and 10 island foxes on Santa Catalina Island.
More recently, researchers from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) fitted several Alaskan polar bears with tracking collars to find out the extent of their travels and document how much trouble they are having hunting in a warmer Arctic.
«Typically your tracking collar will tell you where an animal is once an hour, or once every five minutes if you're lucky,» he says.
Biologist Doug Smith holds sedated wolf No. 892M in Yellowstone National Park in 2012 after darting it from a helicopter then placing a tracking collar around its neck.
The tracking collars revealed that during mating season in the spring, pandas fed on young wood bamboo shoots, which are rich in nitrogen and phosphorous.
But in 2010 and 2011, Vanessa Hull of Michigan State University and her colleagues were given permission to attach GPS tracking collars to five pandas in the Wolong National Nature Reserve in China.
Using remote - sensor research cameras and GPS tracking collars, Snow Leopard Trust researchers have been able to follow and observe a young female snow leopard named Anu over the course of four years as she grew up, dispersed from her mother and later had cubs herself twice in her mountain habitat in Mongolia's South Gobi.
As we head into the 5th year of our long - term ecological study, six snow leopards are currently wearing GPS tracking collars, including Aztai, the first cat we had ever collared.
We are thrilled to announce that one of Khashaa's cubs has just been fitted with a GPS tracking collar!
This study uses GPS tracking collars to follow snow leopards as they move around the landscape.
Assigned tasks include everything from fitting Dholes with tracking collars and analyzing the data the collars collect to surveying the flora and fauna of the parks.
You can help National Park biologists better protect the foxes by donating toward a radio - tracking collar.
Radio tracking collars are vital to monitoring the continued success of one of America's rarest mammals.
The tracking collar is embedded with a ballistic sensor that can detect the shockwaves of a gunshot and then send an alert to authorities with the GPS coordinates of the event.
Video photography and tracking collars are helped here by the distinct beautiful pelage of the dog coats.
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