Sentences with phrase «tract do»

The enzymes in your cat's digestive tract do not digest it.
Increasing the fat (lipid) content of the pet's diet is occasionally helpful as well when abnormalities of its digestive tract do not allow enough fats to be absorbed.
«Maternal infections of the genitourinary or gastrointestinal tract do not pose a risk to infants except in the rare circumstances when septicemia occurs and bacteria might reach the milk.
When a baby is born, and before they reach the age of six months, they have immature digestive systems, and their gastrointestinal tract does not produce the enzymes they need to protect their stomach.
I. panamensis was clearly one of them, and its fossil remains have helped the team understand something less clear: When in their evolutionary tract did river dolphins transition from the saltwater of the ocean to the freshwater of rivers?
Its perforating effects on insect digestive tracts does not appear to be limited to these pests, as this toxin has been found in fetal circulation (implying that it obviously violated the gut barrier of pregnant women consuming these products).
People who are unaware they have a sensitivity to gluten can cause permanent damage to their body and can suffer from nutrient loss because their digestive tract doesn't absorb nutrients from their food properly.
Interestingly, Seth G. Haley Elementary, which lies at the heart of the affluent southwestern census tracts didn't perform nearly as well as Mackrille [10].
Intestinal malabsorption: a disease where the intestinal tract does not absorb nutrients properly.
A dog's digestive tract doesn't break down vegetables the same way as humans, so some dogs may prefer their vegetables pureed or cooked.
While it is a good idea to get a ferret used to eating more than one kind of food, the ferret's delicate digestive tract does not easily adjust to changes in its diet.
Newborn kittens need their bowels and bladder stimulated after feeding, because the digestive tract doesn't begin functioning until they are a few weeks old.

Not exact matches

While most strains don't cause disease in humans, the bacteria can cause respiratory tract and heart valve infections and sexually transmitted chancre sores in those with weakened immune systems.
What it does: Enterococcus bacteria typically live harmoniously in the human intestines and female genital tract, but are also the leading causes of blood, surgical wound, and urinary tract infections.
Where copyright led to books being priced as luxury goods in the U.K., the threat of piracy forced German publishers to produce cheap editions for the masses alongside their premium - priced editions, resulting in a period that Höffner believes may have been the most lucrative ever for authors — he discovered, for example, that an obscure Berlin chemist earned more in royalties for a tract on how to tan leather than Mary Shelley did for writing Frankenstein — prompting more academics to publish their findings, and encouraging the spread of practical manuals in fields like medicine, engineering and agriculture.
By highlighting Schuylkill Yards, uCity Square, and the Navy Yard, Philadelphia can demonstrate an edge over most other cities, which don't have similarly large, readily developable tracts, said Jay Biggins, executive managing director of the site - selection consultancy BLS & Co. in Princeton.
Yes; modest areas of even AnnArbor do have lower prices, but never below 225 - 245k for small acceptable cuckie cutter tract homes.
The speech lists five key fundamentals that should stand Australia in good stead: a strong institutional framework (including the rule of law, respect for property rights, a well - functioning public administration, and a well - established regulatory system); our people, who are diverse, well educated, have a «can do» mentality and a demonstrated capability for adjusting to change; a large endowment of mineral resources; large tracts of agricultural land and an ability to produce high - quality clean food; and an established services industry with the potential for considerable expansion as average incomes in Asia rise.
Why do you assume you can influence other peoples children by handing out religious tracts but only want fellow fundies influencing your children?
I don't throw my Bible at anyone, I don't hand out tracts (God knows I hate these with a passion, especially when I get them...), and I don't force my beliefs on anyone.
There were people knocking on door, calling me relentlessly, putting little tracts in my mailbox... you name it, they did it.
David you have voiced so many concepts that don't allign with the message that this Bible tract preaches.
Just don't wear the t - shirt, carry the Bible, pray over your meal, leave a gospel tract, or do anything else «Christian» at the restaurant.
For example, Moses Stuart of Andover Seminary in Massachusetts (who was sympathetic to the eventual emancipation of American slaves, but was against abolition), published a tract in which he pointed to Ephesians 6 and other biblical texts to argue that while slaves should be treated fairly by their owners, abolitionists just didn't have Scripture on their side and «must give up the New Testament authority, or abandon the fiery course which they are pursuing.»
Strikingly, our catechists these days often just use apologetics tracts as their textbooks for catechism class, giving the faithful mere leftovers of what was actually prepared for others who do not yet share our faith.
The premise here is that if Paul was not writing a theological tract for the ages — and everyone agrees he had no intention of doing that — then Romans must be understood within the circumstances of Paul's ministry, as generated, as were his other occasional letters, by a situation in his own ministry or in a church that called out for his apostolic attention.
«If I didn't have a Bible in a my backpack, I at least had a church bulletin and some tracts about salvation.
But thankfully, as we have already seen, this does not necessarily mean that you have to pass out gospel tracts, go door - to - door, or preach on street corners.
@simon peter, You do realize that the entirety of the Book of Revelation is nothing more than a thinly veiled political tract, railing against the Roman overlords of the time, that names were converted into a numerical value so as not to provoke the ire of Rome?
Do you use tracts?
Her story (whose theme, by the way, is «the lot of single women in rural Palestine») may seem to have a happy ending, but don't be fooled, girls; The Book of Ruth is actually «a pernicious, exploitative tract,» reinforcing the idea that «a woman's happiness and fulfillment require men, that is, a husband and sons.»
I don't know what your particular flavor of evangelism is, but I can assure you that even if you're not handing out tracts between sets, the life you live and the fruit of your spirit will be evident to your friends.
A second, linked rumour was that Aronofsky would replace the sin and judgement message of the story with an environmental tract, and while his pre-flood humanity's mistreatment of creation is a pointed nod at modern climate change deniers, it doesn't go further than that.
You might as well say that purple striped unicorns don't eat grass on Tuesdays because their digestive tracts use the fairy poop deposited in dew drops on Wednesdays and by Monday night it's too stale.
Until there's «supernatural» stuff somewhere to do tests on, it's just philosophical theory like «nothingness» and «unicorn digestive tracts
The ministers attempted to do this through the tracts and books they distributed on the frontier, but their own inclination as well as the literature stressed the emotional and the moral aspects of the religious life.
You don't have to stand on the street corner handing out Chick Tracts or scream hatred at funerals and beat your kids with mattock handles.
In view of the fact that they were all preoccupied with the preaching office and its importance for the church, it is surprising that they did not produce more books and tracts dealing specifically with the ministry.
Come Saturday, he and his team will be in Boston, standing in a spot with heavy foot traffic, passing out their pamphlets — which they call tracts — and doing what they believe God called them to do until the very end.
I live on a tract of wilderness, so walking a few miles a day is super easy and I do that interspersed with yoga when I'm feeling too tired to get outside.
Over two months of horrible diarrhea does a lot of damage to the intestinal tract let me tell you, so focusing on gut health over the next few months is going to be crucial to me.
Oxalic acid binds with minerals in the digestive tract just as phytic acid does.
It is also a lot easier on the digestive tract making coconut milk a great dairy - free alternative to those who do not consume dairy.
I'm inclined to take exception to the statement «Enormous tracts of virgin forest have little to do with sustaining people...» As «the air conditioner of the earth,» tracts of virgin tropical forest sustain us all through many important ecosystem functions.
For me, sugar alcohols do not seem to agree with my digestive tract and I end up with extra gas.
I like the ketogenic sweeteners stevia or monk fruit because they do not elevate your blood sugar and are easy on the digestive tract.
Did you know that 80 % or the immune system resides in the digestive tract?
Most probiotics added to food products are not effective because they either a) need to be refrigerated, b) have a short shelf life, c) can't survive stomach acid so never reach your small intestine, or d) don't stay in your digestive tract long enough to be effective.
If you don't go to the bathroom daily (that's the very minimum for a healthy digestive tract), I also recommend trying out herbal supplements that combine herbs that have been used for better digestion for thousands of years.
The SCFA's and medium chain fats that butter is so rich in are easy on our digestive tract as well and do not depend upon strong enzymes or bile production.
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