Sentences with phrase «trade chocolate recipe»

Not exact matches

-LSB-...] chocolate chips (Click here to buy fair trade chocolate chips) 2/3 cups sweetened condensed milk (Click here for recipe) 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup chopped -LSB-...]
-LSB-...] for the past three years alongside Fair Trade USA, creating recipes using fair trade products: Coconut Mocha Frappe, Double Coconut Chocolate Cookies, Ultimate Triple Chocolate Brownies, and Mocha Cinnamon -LSBTrade USA, creating recipes using fair trade products: Coconut Mocha Frappe, Double Coconut Chocolate Cookies, Ultimate Triple Chocolate Brownies, and Mocha Cinnamon -LSBtrade products: Coconut Mocha Frappe, Double Coconut Chocolate Cookies, Ultimate Triple Chocolate Brownies, and Mocha Cinnamon -LSB-...]
For more about chocolate, including information about Fair Trade Certification and some fabulous recipes, see: Easy Greening Cchocolate, including information about Fair Trade Certification and some fabulous recipes, see: Easy Greening ChocolateChocolate.
* 1 cup organic, full - fat coconut milk (I like Native Forest brand): please see directions for how to properly use the coconut milk in this recipe * 2 tablespoons unrefined sugar (I used Madhava blonde coconut sugar) * pinch of fine sea salt * 1 heaping cup 60 % bittersweet chocolate chips (or chopped bittersweet chocolate), preferably fair trade * 1 large egg, preferably organic / free range, beaten * coarse sea salt or smoked sea salt - optional (I used large flake smoked sea salt)
In the meantime, I'll be searching for the perfect fair trade cacao / carob powder for future chocolate dessert recipes.
When a recipe calls for dark chocolate, always assume that I am referring to 75 % or darker chocolate that is soy free and fair trade (I am ok with organic cane sugar or organic cane syrup in moderation)
Filed Under: Candy, Dessert, Real Food and Nutrition, Recipes Tagged With: Bittersweet chocolate, chocolate, fair - trade, organic
A couple of recipes to inspire you fair - trade - loving gourmands::: Chocolate Fallen Souffle Cake and:: Chocolate Cake
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