Sentences with phrase «trade exposure»

With more than $ 1.2 billion of goods and services traded between Ireland and the UK every week, there is a justifiable fear of trade exposures within -LRB-...)
The move sent shockwaves through markets, as currencies with heavy trade exposure to China hit...
Even if NAFTA survives, the TPP provides welcome added trade exposure to the relatively rapidly growing Pacific Rim economy.
But, one need look no further than the current debate in the UK over the EU referendum to find other parallels with Repeal — e.g., an internal split in the Conservative party over British identity (particularly in a world with increasing trade linkages); the difficulty in ascertaining the winners and losers from a fundamental reorientation of trade policy, amidst inherent uncertainty; the existence of tensions between different sectors and regions, stemming from trade exposure; and so on.
As the only Canadian jurisdiction without a rigorous policy for trade exposed industries, it has been criticized as opening B.C. companies up to greater trade exposure in regards to the United States and other jurisdictions.
(k) EITE's can be identified by a quantitative calculation of energy intensity and trade exposure by an
We will teach you the HOW with Nadex Spreads to limit your trading exposure.
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