Sentences with phrase «trade legislation inslee»

From 1989 to 1994, Bill was the counsel to the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment (Rep. Henry A. Waxman, chairman), Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, where he worked on health care, FDA, tobacco and trade legislation.
Later this week, Senators John Kerry, Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman are expected to present for consideration similar cap - and - trade legislation.
Both the House Energy and Commerce and Senate Environment and Public Works Committees are poised to revisit cap - and - trade legislation this session, with Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman (D - Calif.)
Indeed, the effort to pass cap and trade legislation may be the best financed political cause in American history.
Ever since an attempt to pass cap - and - trade legislation to limit greenhouse gas emissions failed in 2010, the president has seemed almost mute on the topic — with a few rare exceptions mostly when speaking overseas, frustrated environmentalists say.
Unlike the cap - and - trade legislation Inslee sought last year, the rule adopted Thursday won't charge emitters a fee for carbon emissions.
Reichert and LoBiondo are the only co-sponsors who also voted for cap - and - trade legislation that cleared the House six years ago.
Back when sweeping cap - and - trade legislation still had a pulse in 2009 - 10, Collins teamed up with Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell of Washington to float what they called a better approach.
But any cap - and - trade legislation faces a steep climb in the Senate, where Democrats from energy - producing states have expressed concerns about the cost and impact of the bill on consumers and industry.
«The administration is engaged with Congress to pass cap - and - trade legislation, which the president believes is far superior to a regulatory approach using the existing Clean Air Act.»
But Hansen didn't stop there: Polluter Offsets Are An Absurdity Talking about cap - and - trade legislation and carbon offsets by polluters, Hansen said,
In 2009 the House of Representatives passed cap - and - trade legislation that would have rewarded more nimble industrial players that figure out how to use cleaner energy.
«The Obama Administration and the U.S. Department of Treasury says (regarding current proposed Cap and Trade Legislation) that the total in new taxes would be between $ 100 billion to $ 200 billion a year.
We are probably all familiar with a pretty recent example: the proposed national cap - and - trade legislation defeated in the Senate in the summer of 2010, which, according to its advocates, would have increased consumers» energy costs by about the cost of one postage stamp per day.
Skocpol explains convincingly that one of the reasons for the failure of cap and trade legislation was that climate reformers focused their energy on Beltway lobbying rather than mobilizing support in local communities.
And, last month, after floating the idea of forcing cap - and - trade legislation through Congress as part of the budget, the White House quickly backed down in the face of opposition from Senate Democrats, especially those from the hard - hit Midwest.
«Geoengineering holds forth the promise of addressing global warming concerns for just a few billion dollars a year,» wrote Newt Gingrich in an attack on proposed cap - and - trade legislation back in 2008.
Why: Allgeier and the members of CSI are strong supporters of Ambassador Froman's push for the Trans Atlantic and Trans Pacific trade deals, as well as a global Trade in Services Agreement and Fast Track trade legislation.
As this report shows, however, the more cap - and - trade legislation is crafted to spur investments in energy - efficient devices, materials, and designs (such as energy - saving home appliances, better - insulated buildings, and more efficient industrial equipment and vehicles), the more it will lead to increases, not decreases, in the number of jobs in the U.S. economy.
Bryson is a model crony capitalist, lifelong professional environmentalist, and leading promoter of cap - and - trade legislation to raise energy prices.
Some U.S. Congressmen and constituents worry that the proposed cap and trade legislation will be equivalent to an energy tax and make for markedly higher energy costs for consumers.
The failure of cap and trade legislation in the US Congress and the collapse of international negotiations at Copenhagen marked the death knell for the old approach.
By July 2010, the cap - and - trade legislation was dead — and so was the fledgling cooperation between the oil giant and the greens.
These members claim to «support economy - wide reductions in CO2 emissions and / or federal cap - and - trade legislation»: Alcoa, Caterpillar, Deere & Co., Dow Chemical, Duke Energy, Eastman Kodak, Entergy, Fox Entertainment, IBM, Lockheed, Nike, PepsiCo., PNM Resources, Rolls Royce, Siemens, Toyota, and Xerox.
Because of this consensus, cap - and - trade legislation awarded farmers, landowners, and companies carbon credit for forest conservation, planting trees, switching to organic agriculture, and other carbon sucking activities — winning broad support for that section of the bill.
Rep. Vic Snyder (D - Arkansas), who represents Little Rock and much of Pulaski County, was the only member of his State's delegation to vote for the American Clean Energy and Security Act, cap - and - trade legislation that passed through the House of Representatives in late June, and he has been hammered over the airwaves by utilities, agriculture interests, and political opponents ever since.
The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) announced today that they have joined the No Cap and Trade Coalition in the fight against cap - and - trade legislation and the proposed Copenhagen climate treaty.
The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE), a coal trade group, paid the firm $ 10 million between 2008 and 2009 to fight the Waxman - Markey cap - and - trade legislation in Congress,
If domestic cap - and - trade legislation were passed, it could result in a loss of 1.9 million American jobs in 2012 and 2.5 million American jobs by 2025.
A recent example of the propensity to mislead and falsely claim is the Democrat's web site pushing the Waxman - Markey cap and trade legislation.
The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE), a coal trade group, paid the firm $ 10 million between 2008 and 2009 to fight the Waxman - Markey cap - and - trade legislation in Congress, E&E News reported, prompting a House committee investigation into ACCCE's lobbying disclosures.
This would most likely have been within the budget of an individual media relations manager, rather than implying «endorsement of cap and trade legislation».
Obama's long - awaited plans and speech comes five years after the U.S. Senate failed to pass cap - and - trade legislation.
They work in concert with multi-national corporations whose eyes are on the bottom line while supporting cap and trade legislation.
As is noted at, Coca - Cola is a target of a boycott against companies who support cap and trade legislation, or the proposed Copenhagen climate treaty (which is designed to implement global cap and trade regulations of carbon dioxide).
For conservative groups and industry associations, the analysis included a list of 42 organizations that had opposed cap and trade legislation, had dismissed expert consensus on climate science through various communication strategies and / or had exaggerated the economic costs of action.
Last year, Congress declined to give EPA explicit authority to regulate greenhouse gases when Senate leaders abandoned cap - and - trade legislation.
Most greens will, in the end, support weak cap and trade legislation because a cap and trade law on sulfur dioxide reduced acid rain in the»90s.
Meanwhile, similar cap - and - trade legislation in Washington state — which traced back to 2007, when the state's then - governor, Democrat Christine Gregoire, signed an executive order imposing carbon targets on the state — got caught up in the great right - wing backlash of 2008 — 2010 and died in the state Senate.
Then, on March 31, the day after Waxman, D - Calif., and Rep. Edward Markey, D - Mass., introduced cap and trade legislation, the Senate passed a resolution, 89 - 8, explicitly stating that the Senate will not pass climate legislation that raises energy prices.
In this year, cap and trade legislation passed in the U.S. House, debate began on a U.S. Senate version of the bill, and international climate accord meetings took place in Copenhagen.
The coordinated national push for carbon cap - and - trade legislation, which had united virtually every major environmental group in the country, proved fruitless.
It is hard to see why it could go any better this time — if anything, the global economic slump and the failure to pass cap - and - trade legislation in the United States will make it even harder.
CAP was a supporter of cap and trade legislation.
These, and their community of blog commenters, are the global warming contrarians that formed the peer - to - peer review network and helped bring chaos to Copenhagen — critically wounding the prospects of cap - and - trade legislation in the process.
Midterm elections are likely to bring large Democratic losses in the House, and, fairly or not, a hard vote for failed cap - and - trade legislation will take a fair share of the blame.
Even as the global Kyoto Protocol collapsed and cap and trade legislation foundered in Congress, U.S. emissions have declined faster than any nation's in the world.
The current conventional wisdom --- broadly echoed by the news media and the blogosphere — is that comprehensive, economy - wide CO2 cap - and - trade legislation is dead in the current U.S. Congress, and perhaps for the next several years.
But Rep. Henry Waxman (D) of California, who led the fight in the House to pass cap - and - trade legislation to limit greenhouse gas emissions — only to see that bill die in the Senate — declared the EPA's proposed carbon pollution standards for new power plants «a breakthrough.»
Another strong pick is Lisa Jackson to head the EPA who is expected to play a critical role toward establishing cap - and - trade legislation.
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