Sentences with phrase «trade like normal»

Unlike mutual funds, who only calculate their value once per day, ETFs trade like normal stock.
They trade like any normal stock on stock exchanges and can be bought or sold through your regular broker.

Not exact matches

The Pix2 trading platform and 24option mobile app are trading softwares offered by the Tech Financials and they are different from the normal trading platforms like Tradologic which are used by other binary options traders.
Once the data like the NFP has been released and the market gets volatile then you would start trading on bigger time frames with bigger expiration dates to catch the corrections as the market transitions back to normal trading.
Mandelson is probably intensely relaxed about cutting democratic corners if it means more «New Labour» special advisers and the like on the green benches, but utterly opposed to the normal workings of Labour democracy if it means leftwing or trade union candidates being chosen.
I always like to think that a normal losing streak simply means that I'm closer to a winning trade or my next winning streak.
The problem with many of the long - term debt / gilt funds is that they try to play an active role in bond trading and then take wrong calls, like a normal retail investor.
If it were a «normal» game with Halo - like coop campaign, would you honestly miss the crap you'd have to trade off for it, like the Tower or having to go into orbit and come back down to the same spawn location to retread the level between missions?
You only have to think of the billions on carbon trading and the dirty deals that go on in the normal city trading to realise that there is already crime just waiting for an opportunity like the IPCC.
Rather, Bisq's trading protocol orchestrates the process of buyer and seller working together to settle fiat payments outside of the Bisq application — for example, via normal person - to - person SEPA payments in Europe or via a person - to - person payment system like Zelle in the U.S.
They'll have to find someone willing to do a very large down Trade as the seller (like most normal people) is trying to do a 1031 Trade up, to a much larger property.
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