Sentences with phrase «tradition handed down»

She has mastered the remarkable storytelling tradition handed down to her and has the unique ability to inspire audiences on the weighty issues of policy, politics, and action.
His commitment to it is uncertain — there are places where he suggests that he chooses to speak in a Christian mode simply because it is the tradition handed down to him, and others where his commitment seems far deeper.
The fact may be explained by saying that everything goes back to, or rests upon, the Gospel of Mark; but I think we can not assume that this Gospel would have been accepted if upon any major point its general outline had been found to be faulty or inaccurate by those who were in touch with the primitive tradition handed down in the churches in Palestine.
This sounds like a claim to a special revelation, but more probably it refers to the tradition handed down from Jesus himself through the apostles.
You will observe that not one of the books of the Old Testament (in its finished form) is of earlier date than the eighth century BC Before that time there existed traditions handed down by word of mouth, and various documentary records and compositions, which were used by later writers.
Many writers have undertaken to draw up an account of the events that have happened among us, following the traditions handed down to us by the original eyewitnesses and servants of the gospel.
In turn, Gadamer would likely have criticized Derrida for not being sufficiently appreciative of the wisdom that tradition hands down to us.
Later «sources» began to be appreciated for what they were, in no small part because it was seen that the Yahwist was not an author in the modern sense of the term, but one «under the influence» of traditions handed down to him.
Watch as artisans make hand - crafted goods with traditions handed down for generations.
«I want to keep alive the illusion, the traditions handed down from generation to generation.
These stories were likely oral traditions handed down over thousands of years before finally being written and were likely subject to some changes over time depending on which tribe's version became dominant in a given area.
These simple homes were built according to the traditions handed down through generations.

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In addition to debating the opponents of Christianity, Christian universities should hand down their tradition to the next generation.
Either way, what is required of us is not a drive to change an entire educational culture but a patient, self - assured carrying on of the tradition that has been handed down to us by our mentors.
And yet they survived, reconstructed their community, and handed down a continuous and developing tradition which exerted a creative influence upon the whole of subsequent history.
Ever since the publication in 1903 of Wilhelm Wrede's famous book on this subject, The Messianic Secret in the Gospels, scholars have been compelled to take seriously the thesis it set forth, namely, that the whole conception of the secret Messiahship is an intrusion into the tradition, either read into it by Mark or at a late pre-Marcan stage in the development of the tradition, and not really consonant with the story of Jesus as it was handed down in the earliest Christian circles.
This may represent an early tradition of that event, handed down in the Christian community, perhaps at Jerusalem, rather than Paul's own account of the matter; but it is consistent with what Paul says himself in his own letters.
It looks as if they had on their hands a solid piece of tradition, which they were bound to respect because it came down to them from the first witnesses, though it did not add much cogency to the message they wished to convey, and they hardly knew what use to make of it.
The memory of it was preserved by those who handed down the tradition, and the evangelists recorded it, even though it was perplexing and even embarrassing for them.
And so may you pass from death to life, from the authority of tradition to the experience of knowing God; thus will you pass from darkness to light, from a racial faith inherited to a personal faith achieved by actual experience; and thereby will you progress from a theology of mind handed down by your ancestors to a true religion of spirit which shall be built up in your souls as an eternal endowment.
Traditions are those specific forms of thought in which in each age the tradition embodies itself They are also the means by which the tradition is handed down from one age to another.
Even when the individual calls an absolute criterion handed down by religious tradition his own, it must be reforged in the fire of the truth of his personal essential relation to the Absolute if it is to win true validity.
The Christian documents of the second and later centuries which contained information about the Apostolic age handed down by tradition, must also be regarded as providing a very limited help for the reconstruction of the history of the earliest period.
It was maintained by some critics, a decade ago, that form criticism had nothing to do with the historicity of events whose purported records had been handed down orally, but only with the outward form of the tradition; but this was an impossible view.
But it never wholly escaped the limitations of its origin as a body of Jewish tradition, circulated and handed down orally from the first.
This whole body of sayings, handed down through different channels of tradition, has an unmistakable stamp.
The Old Testament properly so called is the corpus of books, written and handed down in Hebrew (or in the kindred Aramaic), which were received as Scripture in the first century of our era by Hebrew - speaking Jews, representing the central tradition of Hebrew and Jewish religion.
A corporate memory handed down from generation to generation becomes what we call a tradition.
In the authentically Catholic vision of the Second Vatican Council, the source of authority for the transmission of Revelation is Jesus Christ Himself, the Word of God made flesh for us, handed down to us in Scripture and ecclesial Tradition.
In the printing of the Traditions it is customary to give the line of transmitters through whom the Tradition has been handed down, e.g., Ibn Omar reported that the Prophet said, «When your women ask to go to the Mosque at night, give them permission.»
Like the sources and traditions back of them, the Synoptic Gospels are largely composed of items handed down separately or in small collections and arranged by the evangelists according to their own individual purposes and interests.
These sayings, or most of them, were certainly authentically Jesus» own, though some may have been produced by imitation or further emphasis in the course of handing down the tradition.
He was only angry towards the religious Pharisees who in Mark7: 13 making the word of God of no effect through their tradition which they have handed down.
These have been handed down to us through Tradition as the «four pillars» of the Catholic faith and these are present in the four parts of the Catechism.
Oral traditions that were handed down from the early Christians are also part of the Word of God.
But in view of the excellent state of the text of Amos and the comparatively good condition of that of Hoses we are not much inclined to assume that their prophecies have been handed down exclusively by means of oral tradition.
Only later, as it was handed down in the church, would it come to be thought of as a saying of Jesus and so be included in the tradition received by Matthew.
To question a Fundie is to question their tradition and those who handed it down to them.
Everything that we «know» about Jesus comes to us through the apostolic witness, as this has been handed down in the living tradition of the Christian community of faith, worship, and life.
We cling to the past, to the traditions and to the forms of church handed down to us from the eras of Constantine, the Reformation, and Industrialism.
In the past religious integration was handed down by a tradition.
And they reflect the convictions of those who handed down the tradition, in different localities — certainly in two, Jerusalem and Galilee, probably in three or four, if we include Caesarea and Antioch, possibly in many more.
Many scholars have pointed out that the words used here («I delivered to you what I also received») are technical terms used to refer to the careful handing down of oral tradition.
But on a more profound level as it bears the responsibility of maintaining a tradition of loyalty to the truth handed down by Christ to teach all nations.
This is the whole point of form criticism — or tradition criticism, as it ought to be called: the units in the evangelic tradition were handed down orally, in separation, and in the form given them by the earliest preachers and teachers of the gospel, the «gospel» being, not the total story of the life of Jesus, but the proclamation of the message of salvation through him, a salvation fully to be effected in the future, though it could be realized in anticipation even now, before the final Parousia.
The records of Jewish saints and teachers, and of their teaching, were likewise handed down orally, as tradition, for a long time before they were committed to writing — for a much longer period of time, in fact, than was true of the Gospels.
To be sure, there are liturgies which fail to hand down the orthodox tradition.
(Second ed., Strassburg, 1903) And these traditions, be it observed, were the traditions of legal interpretation or of Bible hermeneutics, for the most part, handed down in schools of Jewish law.
written or handed down in tradition and proposed by the church — whether in solemn judgment or in the ordinary and universal magisterium as divinely revealed and calling for faith tamquam divinitus revelata credenda).
The Pharisees handed down certain legislation to the people from the tradition of the fathers, legislation which has not been recorded in the laws of Moses; for this reason the party of the Sadducees rejects it, saying that what is written must be considered legislation, but that what comes from the tradition of the fathers need not be observed (Antiq.
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