Sentences with phrase «traditional conservative voters»

«It's also about a hard core of traditional Conservative voters saying, actually we don't like the kind of small - l liberal decisions this government is beginning to take.
Prime Minister David Cameron is being backed by senior Tories including Education Secretary Michael Gove and London Mayor Boris Johnson, but many backbenchers including Mr Davies fear the proposal will drive away traditional Conservative voters.
But sorting out such issues is not politically convenient for Cameron, especially as many traditional Conservative voters in the south have had most to gain from runaway house prices over the last 30 years.

Not exact matches

Politicians always follow the «look busy» rule: when bad things happen, they have to be seen to be responding, even if there is little likelihood their actions will have any effect. But in this case, Harper was motivated by an additional strategic judgment. Perversely, with his re-election campaign sidetracked by ongoing revelations in the Duffy / Wright case, the Prime Minister actually wants Canadians to worry about the economy. Conservative strategists hope that will undermine voters» willingness to consider an alternative government, playing into the traditional frame that Conservatives have the strongest economic «credentials.»
Though the Supreme Court is far from a consistent proxy issue for social conservatives or religious voters, it does provide a flashpoint for issues of religious liberty, traditional moral values, and abortion - on - demand.
While the early days of Cameron's leadership were all about reaching out to new groups and voters beyond the traditional Tory core, since taking power his agenda has been very much in line with that of Conservative leaders and governments since 1979, being characterised by cuts to social expenditure and the privatisation of public services.
Most Erie County Democratic voters are hard - working, ethnic, traditional, conservative people who believe in common sense ideas like: taxes are too high; criminals belong in jail; police should be respected; law abiding gun owners are not the root of our crime problem; plastic bags should be legal and that life is sacred.
The dispute put Quinn in the crosshairs of social conservative voters who tend to support the use of government to reinforce traditional social relations, according to a Pew research report.
We need to demonstrate that traditional family values still matter and voters should vote for Wendy on the Conservative line.»
«I've spoken to traditional Plaid, Labour and Conservative voters on the doorsteps over the past few months who are lending their second regional list votes to the Welsh Lib Dems to stop UKIP.
Despite Mr Cameron's rising personal popularity, the Conservatives have dropped four points as voters abandon the traditional parties of government for small parties, including the SNP.
And now it seems many more traditional Conservative core voters may stay at home or vote UKIP - as in Bromley.
David Cameron is acting in a «hurtful» way towards traditional Tory voters by imposing social change through «diktat», a former Conservative frontbencher warned as the party embarked on an inquest into its poor showing in the Eastleigh byelection.
«Traditional Labour voters are disenchanted, lack a natural political home, but do not believe the Conservatives are interested in them.
Our evidence fits with other research suggesting that traditional partisan loyalties to Labour are fading away among ethnic minority voters, producing an electorate more willing to «shop around» and consider a range of other political options, including the Conservatives, the Greens and UKIP.
Both results were good news for Theresa May's Conservative party, which has made a deliberate pitch for traditional Labour voters by focusing on «just about managing» families, and sought to see off Ukip by promising a «red, white and blue Brexit», prioritising immigration control.
Over 30 current and former chairs of Conservative associations have written to Cameron telling him to drop the gay marriage proposals, saying it was making it virtually impossible to win the election by alienating traditional Tory voters.
Upstate was once a traditional GOP stronghold, with voters leaning more conservative as one travels further north and west.
UKIP supporters are in many respects not traditional Conservatives - they are more working class and more disaffected from mainstream politics than typical Tory voters.
Politics: Harrow East is a traditional marginal seat between Labour and the Conservatives, and has remained so despite the growing numbers of ethnic minority voters.
In all cases excellent loyalists to traditional conservative party principles have been held up as disloyal because they dared to call out the back room deals and patronage activities that have sold out Republicanism and disenfranchised the party's voter base.
In addition to our traditional Democratic and Republican parties, New York voters can choose to cast their votes on the Conservative, Independence, Working Families, and Green party lines, among others.
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