Sentences with phrase «traditional applications of»

But watch for this classic pattern to go beyond the traditional applications of flannel bedding and lumberjack shirts — it's showing up in the most unexpected places.
These authors effectively describe in lay terms how mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness skills augment the more traditional applications of cognitive behavioral therapy strategies in the treatment of anxiety.
McNeil comments: «A part of my painting process involves placing a step — a phase or transitional level — between the traditional applications of paint to canvas.
This class is for the practitioner who desires to maintain the traditional application of chiropractic and to enhance the benefits achieved by applying the newest and most researched technological advances in the healing arts.
The anti-SLAPP provisions, in conjunction with the traditional application of the defences, should therefore promote and encourage the type of responsible and useful discourse which is healthy for a democracy, by creating consequences for those who exhibit knowing or reckless disregard.
A recent decision of the Alberta Court of Appeal, Beaverford v Thorhild (County No. 7), 2013 ABCA 6, is a more traditional application of the common law rule against bias, although the presence of Facebook in the facts of the case gives it a certain novelty value.

Not exact matches

In fact, 60 percent of the new applications filled out by small business owners on are done via mobile devices, often at night or during weekends - well outside «traditional banker's hours.»
Traditional lenders have and continue to reject a good majority of small business loan applications and have tightened their lending policies.
If you're pursuing a new opportunity, Shen recommends seeking out ways to showcase your unique skills outside the traditional resume and cover letter — even if that's not part of the application or interview.
The data and insights garnered from the traditional project management approach can also be used for a variety of other applications.
This is much more the traditional technology push kind of model, where the pendulum hasn't swung completely away from customers and markets, but it's much more oriented towards leveraging the technology base, seeing what you can push out, seeing where there might be applications for the technology.»
Says NetSuite CEO Zack Nelson, «Cloud computing is far more green than traditional ways of running applications
It's true that as the online alternative to traditional payroll services, we knew we had to be the first service to offer a mobile option — providing a mobile application is a natural extension of our mission to provide the most convenient payroll process on the market.
Businesses are looking for ways to be flexible in running their applications and not get locked into fixed assets, but the traditional world of deploying applications is very rigid.
When you consider the traditional weeks - long process and reams of documents associated with a traditional loan application, a simple, easy - to - understand, online loan application makes a lot of sense for time - crunched small business owners.
Although it's true that some lenders tend to weight the value of your personal score higher than others (banks and other traditional lenders fall into this category) when they evaluate your business loan application, most lenders include a review of your personal credit score when they evaluate your business» creditworthiness.
Interactive entertainment and flight simulators may be the «traditional» hotbed of activity for the modeling, simulation and training (MS&T) industry, but the many institutions working within this sector of the Florida High Tech Corridor are diligently working to expand the applications of MS&T technologies.
Prior to Virtual Volumes, traditional VMFS implementations imposed a range of datastore - based management and performance challenges on VM admins responsible for delivering SLAs to mission - critical applications.
Traditional bank loans are the most obvious method of financing your endeavor; but before you get your heart set on getting one, consider this fact: more than 82 % of small business loan applications are denied by big banks.
This operates in the traditional server architecture that seeks to restrict the sharing of data, forcing all applications to run code through a privately held server.
The NEM blockchain aims to do a lot more than that, which gives it a chance at wide application outside of the traditional digital currency space.
The blockchain - based application, Circle, is a payment application with a simple proposition: «[S] end money anywhere, in any currency, without the friction (transfer delays and fees) of traditional clearance options.»
And with traditional banks turning down up to 80 % of business loan applications, alternative funding might be the best option for you anyway.
In the traditional monastic practice of lectio divina, the meditatio stage that followed the lectio did not refer only to a discursive process of connecting spiritual concepts to draw fresh insights or moral applications.
These booklets opposed the application of modern critical historical approach to the Bible and the traditional dogmas of Christianity, because in their opinion, it would destroy their supra - national and supernatural elements which belong to their very essence.
By the beginning of this century a great change had taken place and James Orr prefaced his defense of the traditional position by sketching the widespread questioning and rejection of «bodily resurrection» by Christian scholars.10 In 1907 Kirsopp Lake published the first study of the resurrection, in English, which rested upon a thorough application of historical criticism to the New Testament records and he concluded that «The empty tomb is for us doctrinally indefensible and is historically insufficiently accredited.
This is the glitziest application of computer technology, one that even very traditional congregations are seeking to use.
By systematic we mean not that some traditional set of problems has been covered, but rather that the philosophical product is the deliberate and methodic interrelation of its constituents, viz., its concepts, categories, and principles in a structure which supports broad inferences and extensions or applications of the conceptual scheme.
The underlying philosophical position of traditional theology and its difference from the presuppositions of process thought can perhaps best be illustrated when we analyze the meaning of «perfect» and see its application to the Christian idea of God.
In searching for meaning and application of his thought, Bonhoeffer plays down the traditional idea of repentance as a religious act, concerned with one's own needs, and stresses rather the positive side of «allowing oneself to be caught up into the way of Jesus Christ.
«Every year we learn more about the properties of fish products and the potential to use them in a wide variety of applications, from cosmetics to nutritional supplements to traditional menu items,» JoHahnson says.
This may be significant for topical skin applications, as other research shows that virgin coconut oils have higher amounts of antioxidants, particularly virgin coconut oils produced by traditional methods.
The products of Bischof + Klein covers the entire range of flexible packaging - from the traditional industrial packaging and consumer packaging to specialty films for technical applications - from 2 - gram serving packaging to
Domino's Ax - Series of printers is re-writing the rules of traditional CIJ applications, by delivering higher resolution print at faster line speeds, with no preventative maintenance and less cleaning.
PET continues to see volume growth in beverage applications and one good example of a major new development is the conversion of Snapple to PET from its traditional glass.»
The rich aroma and flavor of the peppermint has multiple applications, from the traditional aromatic infusion to the secret touch of dishes such as stewed lamb, carrots and the enhancement...
It's extremely convenient and easy to use, it's more stable than other traditional cooking oils and it's flavorless, so it's ideal for a wide variety of cooking and baking applications.
The products of Bischof + Klein covers the entire range of flexible packaging - from the traditional industrial packaging and consumer packaging to specialty films for technical applications - from 2 - gram serving packaging to flexible liquid liner...
Idaho ® potatoes were the centerpiece of this exclusive event that showcased the versatility of the spud through a collection of recipes that went above and beyond the traditional baked, mashed, fried and roasted applications.
The innovative new lipstick delivers precision application and color that lasts, without the sticky, heavy film layer of many traditional lipsticks.
I was super stoked to see titles in that section like DIY Natural Remedies, Essentials of Essential Oils, Herbal Preparations and Applications, and Traditional Remedies for Modern Families.
But he rejected the traditional manuals on the classification and application of figures of speech as «a very silly set of Books.»
The queen mother in charge of protocol at the Aflao Traditional Area also pledged that although it's taken a while, the 1 million Ghana cedis disbursed to the ministry to be given to creative art persons with a plan but in need of cash shall be disbursed before the 2016 elections as the application window closed in September.
«You will need political leadership today because governments come to office, and you will need that chief executive of the country to say that I am interested in making sure that that part of my country, which I preside over has a lasting peace and I will allow for independent and proper adjudication of justice by the application of the traditional or customary wheels of justice and current or legal means of justice to run in tandem, to bring whatever impasse that has existed over the period to a halt,» he told host Ekow Mensah - Shalders.
Perhaps the commonest view among academics studying government reform is the sceptical verdict that pressures for cost - cutting came at the expense of traditional administrative values — careful rule - application and consistency and fairness in handling cases.
Instead, they believe ochre had a number of functional applications, some of which traditional societies, particularly in Africa and Australia, still employ.
«For example, working with [Founding Core Faculty member and Molecular Robotics co-lead] William Shih, we built tensegrity - based DNA nanodevices that can be programmed to change shape on demand for biomedical applications, and with [Core Faculty member and Bioinspired Robotics co-lead] Radhika Nagpal, we engineered a self - deforming, modular robot that can perform a variety of maneuvers more quickly than traditional robots.
«Most Chinese scholars think it is important for timekeeping to have a connection to astronomical time because of traditional Chinese culture,» says Chunhao Han of the Beijing Global Information Center of Application and Exploration, who adds, however, that China has yet to decide how it will vote in January.
Traditional atomistic calculation methods involve a heavy computational workload, which sometimes prevents their application to systems large enough to model the experimental structural complexity of real samples.
This is particularly relevant in the case of long - term applications because hair growth leads to inaccuracies in the results using traditional measuring methods.
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