Sentences with phrase «traditional biology study»

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Dmitry Royhman, currently studying to get his PSM in cell and molecular biology at IIT, says, «The reason I chose to do the PSM instead of the traditional Master's degree was because the M.S. would have restricted me more toward research, and I was not sure that was the path for me.»
At the September workshop, the teachers became the students as they read a research article under the guidance of Sally Hoskins, a professor at City College of New York who studies such educational methods and teaches biology courses that use primary literature in lieu of traditional textbooks.
In a prior study, the Project 2061 team showed that students using the THSB unit had a better understanding of chemistry concepts central to biology than students using a traditional curriculum.
Dr. Benedetti's research methodology employed in this article transcends the traditional division between psychology, the study of the mind and how it works, and biology, the study of all living things.
The scope of the journal encompasses all of «traditional» molecular biology (including DNA replication, recombination and repair, gene expression, RNA processing, translation, and protein folding, modification, and degradation) as well as studies of the molecular interactions and mechanisms that underlie basic cellular processes.
This new study looked at an introductory biology class at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill that averaged nearly 400 students and was taught by one of the authors over six semesters — three in a traditional lecture format and three through active learning.
Some of the more common degrees of CHASE Graduates include Business Studies, traditional sciences (such as chemistry or biology) and Sports Science.
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