Sentences with phrase «traditional classroom relationship»

In what ways do teachers and students benefit from this partnership, this change in their traditional classroom relationship?

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The aim wasn't to deliver full courses online, rather to complement the traditional school structure and classroom teaching built on face - to - face relationships.
Study examines the relationship between pedagogy and classroom control in traditional and progressivist teaching practices.
Giroux caricatures the traditional classroom as one where «students sit in rows staring at the back of each others» heads and at the teacher who faces them in symbolic, authoritarian fashion»; «events are governed by a rigid time schedule imposed by a system of bells and reinforced by cues from teachers»; we «glorify the teacher as the expert [and] dispenser of knowledge»; «social relationships... are based upon power relations inextricably linked to the teacher's allotment of grades»; and tracking «alienates students from schooling.»
Because the studios foster direct and conversational relationships, they help avoid the passivity and isolation associated with traditional classrooms.
Students experiencing various levels of abusive relationships resulting in assignment to an RTC, do not lend themselves to a traditional seven hour school day in a classroom.
Special education and regular education faculty / staff roles and relationships will change, as will the traditional rules under which «things» happen within the classroom, campus, and district.
All the traditional and high - tech resources of education — from whiteboards to the Internet and even to classrooms themselves — are best understood as different kinds of interfaces for relationships that support learning.
It is based on more than a decade of research into the ways that classroom power relationships and traditional teaching methods have failed to support indigenous learners.
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