Sentences with phrase «traditional contract»

No surprise there — traditional contract drafting is never pretty.
Few writers get offered traditional contracts, out of the many who submit (estimates run as low as 1 %).
After a couple books under your belt, traditional contracts don't look as enticing as they once did!
You sign a modern traditional contract, you must trust the publisher, a large corporation, to watch out for your interests for the life of your copyright.
Now there is no reason a new author can't put out work independently while, at the same time, looking toward a possible traditional contract.
If you can get a good traditional contract, I encourage you to take it.
However, traditional contracts don't ever require the author to purchase books at any price.
He objects to the use of Space Act Agreements (SAAs) instead of traditional contracts under Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs).
I'm inured to dysfunction in traditional contract drafting.
Jillian, what I mean is that writers with traditional contracts need to be free to supplement their income (since advances are way down) with self published work if they so desire.
Agrello, the ongoing ICO is developing an Artificial Intelligence powered interface, allowing you to easily create and manage smart - contract - based agreements which are legally binding, just like traditional contracts.
Although Bill still pursues traditional contracts, he says, «More and more, Scout is attracting professionals who see it as a way to attract attention to their books and get them into the Amazon Publishing network quickly and without giving away a large percentage of their profits to an agent.»
Drew Hinkes, an attorney at Florida - based business law firm Berger Singerman, says that courts will need to treat smart contracts the same as traditional contracts.
In that case, lawyers will transfer from writing traditional contracts to
And independent PBM consultant Linda Cahn says all her clients have abandoned traditional providers in favor of transparent ones because «traditional contracts gouge the client.»
NASA's decision to use Space Act Agreements (SAAs) instead of traditional contracts governed by Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) is the source of safety concerns by both ASAP and House committee members.
If a state chooses to implement this policy change on a school - by - school basis, teachers who choose the current traditional contract might be offered a transfer or be grandfathered, that is, allowed to continue under their current contract.
But most traditional contracts in the States define the termination date as the life of the copyright.
And uninformed writers, sadly, will continue to flock to bad traditional contracts and low advances and scam agents and in the process they will lose all their rights to their books.
A number of vanity presses have recently started offering «fully traditional contracts» which also require the author to participate in paid «author training programs» and «marketing programs.»
Other notable authors who also self - publish regularly but maintain traditional contracts include Chuck Wendig, famed romance author Bella Andre (whose own publishing company, Oak Press, was named the «fastest - growing independent publisher in the U.S.» by Publisher's Weekly, according to her Amazon author page) and Joanna Penn..
ThoughtRiver is a faster and more accurate step forward over conventional contract analysis methods — as well as giving you the meaning of the clauses, unlike traditional contract search tools.
«Wayne will help to drive our efforts to make our offering even more compelling, expanding our technology expertise beyond traditional contract management to include new exciting developments like blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.
A blockchain - supported transaction may start from a series of clauses drafted according to traditional contract doctrine, but as these clauses move onto a blockchain platform and become self - executing, doctrine becomes obscured (e.g. how to terminate a self - executing smart contract transaction on the grounds of unconscionability?).
Traditional contracting practices have been built up over centuries so Accord is the catalyst for this new wave.
The problems that afflict traditional contract drafting relate to language and process: making progress requires addressing both aspects.
While insurers guarantee stated benefits on traditional contracts far into the future based on long - term and overall company experience, they allocate investment earnings differently on interest sensitive whole life in order to better reflect current fluctuations in interest rates.
But if you want to know all the problems with traditional contracts and agents, go to Kris's blog.
First published in 2004, it offers those who draft, review, negotiate, or interpret contracts an alternative to the dysfunction of traditional contract language and the flawed conventional wisdom that perpetuates it.
Despite steady book sales, there has not been much growth in the industry recently — and running self - publishing services like Author Solutions doesn't yield as much profit as signing traditional contracts with writers.
It's a very informative article, discussing the various options for the author who decides to self - publish, and that those who do self - publish and are successful are then offered traditional contracts.
You sign a modern traditional contract as a beginning writer or low - level midlist writer, you must trust the publisher, a large corporation, to watch out for your interests for the life of your copyright.
«If people wrote traditional contracts the way Ethereum writes contracts, everyone would actually be adding their contracts to this gigantic contract sitting in a court somewhere.
The goal with Ethereum smart contracts is to provide security and redundancy that is superior to traditional contract law while reducing other transaction costs associated with contracting.
The discussion ranged from what distinguishes modern contract drafting from the bloat, misconceptions and inefficiencies of traditional contract drafting, to how to overcome the challenges that face organisations looking to shift their way of working.
SMARTRealty fixes the issue of high transaction cost usually on account of third parties like in legal counsel and legal accounting needed in traditional contracts.
That collaboration has made it possible for the school district and school's administration to work with SKEA to tweak and adjust the traditional contract, helping to benefit students with the greatest needs.
Recently, author D. Wallace Peach decided to cancel all of her traditional contracts and go indie with all her books.
Author D. Wallace Peach decided to cancel all of her traditional contracts and go indie with all her books.
Köehler Books has awarded dozens of traditional contracts and each one is carefully considered and chosen.
I think a lot of indie authors have a misconception that if you get a traditional contract, the publisher will handle all the marketing for you.
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