Sentences with phrase «traditional doctrine»

The phrase "traditional doctrine" refers to a set of beliefs or principles that have been passed down from generation to generation and are considered the established or accepted teachings within a particular religion, philosophy, or field of study. Full definition
He admits that it would be difficult to reconcile this with traditional doctrine, but not impossible.
This formulation makes sense, but I find myself compelled by Scripture, reason and experience to disagree with much of what constitutes traditional doctrine.
The author finds himself compelled by Scripture, reason and experience to disagree with much of what constitutes traditional doctrine.
A viable interpretation of the meaning of the Incarnation requires a focus on love as the center of the gospel, and involves a reinterpretation of traditional doctrines of Christology, election, prevenient grace, Jesus» suffering and resurrection, and the image of God.
We found that the ministers» opinions about the role of the church were strongly related to their belief in traditional doctrines.
In terms of his natural theology, Mascall does not hesitate to deal with one of the most controversial of traditional doctrines about God, namely the doctrine that God is impassible.
The Incarnation (God's assumption of human nature and flesh) and Atonement (the meaning of the death of Jesus) are the two traditional doctrines for expressing this faith.
What is most noticeable about Mahoney's arguments is his partial understanding of key traditional doctrines and his apparent ignorance of the richness of tradition.
This focus of Wojtyla's project, this new modus of presenting traditional doctrine, helps to explain much of the peculiarity of his writing style.
For often the quotations and the comments seem worlds apart: the quotations look like traditional repetitions of traditional doctrine while Wojtyla's comments look like bizarre tangents.
If that article is to be taken as true, he is not what one would a not well informed as to what the faith teaches.Obama may consider himself a chritstian but his previous statements about the authority of the scriptuers, the deity of Jesus and most of the major traditional doctrines of the faith do not line up.
On the one hand, there is the liberal Christian who has abandoned traditional doctrine and barely seems to believe in God — certainly not in the divinity of Christ.
Defenders of Humanae Vitae have long pointed out that it is consistent with traditional doctrine, and as such is an instrument of communion with those who have gone before us.
Yet, the study said, spirit - filled believers, especially Pentecostals, «stand out for the intensity of their belief» in traditional doctrines and practices compared to other Christians.
Both views preserve God's essential monopoly of power, and, in the end, according to the implications I have drawn from traditional doctrine, DP2 collapses into DP1.
women and those on the underside of history have been burdened by traditional doctrines of sin and redemption.
Because of this, many have called you a representative of postmodern Christianity — postmodern in the sense that while holding to the traditional doctrines of Christianity, you embrace a view of God's love and grace that extends beyond the parameters evangelicals tend to establish about who is «in» and who is «out» in God's family.
(My Comments: I think the traditional doctrines of inspiration and inerrancy have created this problem.
Sam Hailes analyses the media's recent focus on four Christian leaders who have questioned the traditional doctrine of hell
The «Old Me» from ten years ago debates the «New Me» from today about the traditional doctrine of the Inspiration of Scripture.
This Jesus is the Jesus of traditional doctrine, the Jesus of yesterday and today and forever.
While rejecting psychologizing, this view of real presence also opposes the magical tendencies of some traditional doctrines.
(Mt 16:17) Thus papal infallibility is effectively exercised when according to the «manifest meaning and intention» (Vatican II, Constitution on the Church, n. 25) of the teaching, the Pope invokes the authority of Christ to confirm and define a traditional doctrine of faith or morals.
Sam Hailes analyses the media's recent focus on four Christian leaders who have questioned the traditional doctrine of hell More
Thus papal infallibility is effectively exercised when according to the «manifest meaning and intention» (Vatican II, Constitution on the Church, n. 25) of the teaching, the Pope invokes the authority of Christ to confirm and define a traditional doctrine of faith or morals.
This doctrine recognized that his death was «for our sins as Paul also states, in summing up the traditional doctrine (1 Cor.
But what does this assertion of internal relatedness mean, particularly in light of the fact that Whitehead tells us in Adventures of Ideas (p. 157) that the traditional doctrine of «internal relations is distorted by reason of its description in terms of language adapted to presuppositions of the Newtonian type»?
First, evangelicals today often associate their position with that of holding fast to traditional doctrines.
The main point is to underscore the contrast of the implications of his philosophy with the traditional doctrines that have insisted only on the permanence, unity, eminent actuality, transcendence, and creative power of God.
To renew it, some evangelicals argue, traditional doctrines must be vigorously reaffirmed.
Francis explains that, when the Church's traditional doctrine is «clearly contrary» to a «new understanding of Christian truth,» we have a duty to «cease to defend» that doctrine.
«I guess I may be too insistent that a Christian has to make central some traditional doctrine about Jesus.
I agree that Buddhism can not accept the traditional doctrine of God as developed in the West.
Once a traditional doctrine ceases to be meaningful, it ceases to stimulate faith, and becomes a means of quelling faith.
With heaven at stake and traditional doctrine in mind, the distinctions are significant.
What he concludes involves rejection of some traditional doctrines, but it resonates well with much biblical thinking and Christian experience.
It would seem to me, therefore, that the use Altizer makes of Jesus» eschatological message, Paul's notion of the self - emptying of Christ, and the traditional doctrine of the incarnation, is suspect in the light of their historical contexts and original intentions.
First, the traditional doctrine of inspiration, that God superintended human authors to compose Scripture without error in the words of the original manuscripts, is not taught in Scripture.
The traditional doctrine of inspiration has done great damage to the Body of Christ, and to our view of Scripture.
It is against these traditional doctrines that I will be arguing, not God.
It became clear that not only the traditional doctrines of Christology, but the whole context in which the discussion was couched was problematic.
We believe that the trouble is not that religious questions are inescapably involved in obscurity but that adherence to traditional doctrines is regarded as more important than clarity and universal intelligibility.
When theology does expose its traditional doctrines to criticism in this manner, Pannenberg admits, the results are not all rosy.
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