Sentences with phrase «traditional drug companies»

The result is significantly lower costs, allowing Ligand to be highly profitable on what would normally be a revenue figure that's too small to lead to recurring profits for traditional drug companies.

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They argue that many companies stick with traditional PBMs because drug pricing is so impossible to untangle that customers have no way to verify how much they're saving, if anything.
«The intensifying battle for negotiating power and market share will lead companies to do acquisitions across traditional industry boundary lines,» said Erik Gordon, a professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan who studies the drug industry.
The timeline to have a commercial product is much shorter than a traditional biotech company developing a new drug.
«3D Signatures» timeline to have a commercial product is much shorter than a traditional biotech company developing a new drug
Unlike a traditional drug, every order needs to be placed through the companies — and it's not clear whether they and FDA will support off - label use.
Beyond that, it was the institute that moved Roche into biotechnology and changed it from a traditional, chemically oriented drug company to a modern pharmaceutical company.
The most important change occurring in the industry is a shift away from the traditional «big pharma» model for drug development, in which research and development are concentrated inside such companies as Pfizer, Merck, and AstraZeneca.
Those were developed, in part, as a byproduct of previous alliances in which pharmaceutical companies payed for rights to develop would - be drugs discovered at Scripps, as well as through the more traditional approach of licensing early - stage compounds to startup companies that then raise money to develop them further.
Such trials are inevitably costly, and the traditional strategy for drug development suggests one means of undertaking these development expenses is for wellfunded companies to lead the way, motivated by the potential return on investment to be gained from a successful proprietary therapy.
«Traditional Treatments» means synthetic chemically altered hormones sold by the drug companies.
A group of former editors of the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) has launched today an open - source, peer - reviewed medical journal that hopes to avoid what they say are editorial biases in traditional journals having to do with the important role research played by drug and medical appliance companies.
(In more recent times, psychology, drugs, pornography — woman ownership — and consumerism substitute in part for traditional patriarchal religion in keeping the labor force subdued and beholden to the company store.)
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