Sentences with phrase «traditional emphasis»

In turn, in the technological West, it all undermines the important traditional emphasis upon the holistic form, human nature, natural law and the very existence of the divine designer.
Recognizing the inadequacy of the church's traditional emphasis on simplistic comfort, we are troubled not only by the same ultimate questions and existential anxieties which plagued previous generations.
We are then very pleased, as part of the debate strongly requested by the Pope, to have stirred up discussion, as exhibited on our Letters page, concerning one particular elephant in the room: namely the Church's traditional emphasis upon the primacy of the procreative end of the marital act.
Since then clergy in many pulpits have articulated what Washington Gladden was to call the doctrine of the «socialized individual,» exhorting society to balance capitalism and its emphasis on self - interest with religion and its traditional emphasis on the public welfare.
Furthermore, this plain truth that we are organic psychosomatic «becomings» provides a natural reason for the use of sacramental means of worship and Christian nurture, as well as a vindication of the traditional emphasis on the eucharist or Holy Communion as central in our relationship, as Christian people, with the divine reality in whom alone we can find genuine fulfillment of our creaturely potentiality.
Perhaps we have not fully discovered a way to hold together the traditional emphasis on interiority — the inner motive, a sense of meaning and personal commitment to Jesus and the new thrust on exteriority, social action, involvement and struggle.
Such churches are simply postponing the crisis of support which has already been felt by liberal churches — unless conservatives modify their traditional emphases.
We are learning about the «feminine in divinity,» a concept long missing from the traditional emphasis on God as Father, Lord, and King.
The traditional emphasis on finding a partner with a similar educational pedigree and economic standing is still followed in the digital world.
When students in religion class showed they were bored with the traditional emphasis on memorizing dharma texts ---- dharma is a Sanskrit term meaning ethics or «moral law» ---- the school created a unique program that teaches Buddhist philosophy through discussion and real world examples.
Digital literacy and media literacy are increasingly important competencies for young people to develop, and some have suggested that schools» traditional emphasis on printed texts may shortchange kids in terms of teaching these skills.
Factors contributing to that include the power of the state teachers union and the education structure of the state, with its traditional emphasis on local, rather than state - level, decision - making.
In writing, the common core state standards reflect college and career readiness by reducing the traditional emphasis on narrative writing and placing a greater emphasis on informational and explanatory writing.
These production strategies challenge the traditional emphasis, particularly in painting, that is placed on the creation of a unique, authored object.
Lawyers of faith chafe at the profession's traditional emphasis on role - differentiated morality — i.e., the suggestion that lawyers should facilitate client conduct as long as it is legal, regardless of its compatibility with the lawyer's own moral convictions.
The traditional emphasis on legal education as delivering public value has led to a focus on quality of legal education as an overriding goal by law schools, the ABA Section of Legal Education, and the Association of American Law Schools.
John says, almost as an aside, that business schools may prove more adept at such training, given their traditional emphasis on quantitative skills.
Marriage and Family Therapists broaden the traditional emphasis on the individual to attend to the nature and role of individuals in primary relationship networks such as marriage and the family.
MFTs broaden the traditional emphasis on the individual to attend to the nature and role of individuals in primary relationship networks such as marriage and the family.
Marriage and family therapists broaden the traditional emphasis on the individual to attend to the nature and role of individuals in primary relationship networks such as marriage and the family.
Unlike the traditional emphasis of therapy where the focus is on the individual alone, marriage and family therapy takes a more holistic perspective to health and well - being, wherein, the focus of the therapy is broadened to attend to the nature and role of individuals in primary relationship networks such as marriage and the family.
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