Sentences with phrase «traditional explanation»

TIP provides a new way to look at what is going on behind the school gate, as Susan Craig states: «Traditional explanations of children's disruptive behaviours often emphasise their volitional aspects, suggesting that they occur as a result of bad choices, or intentional defiance... Recent studies of trauma and self and self - regulation provide an explanation.»
And you talk right upfront about how traditional explanations for what drives intellectual ability in animals have included the requirements of social relationships or the requirements of the challenging environment, but you think you've hit upon something that doesn't get a lot of discussion as a key to animal intelligence.
There is a «disharmony between traditional explanations and current needs.»
One of the best traditional explanations is found in the case of Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales v. Attorney - General and Others where Russell, Sachs and Buckley L.JJ.
But this leaves me feeling somewhat uneasy, as I don't think it corresponds exactly to traditional explanations of the Mass..
So in this post, I will look at two traditional explanations for how God knows what it is like to lose a son, and I will also explain why I reject both explanations (which might also be why atheists and other people reject these explanations as well).
He noted the traditional explanation for politicians» policy caution — minority parliaments — made no sense when stacked against Lester Pearson's achievements in the»60s.
The traditional explanations for believing in an investing tooth fairy who will leave money under your pillow are optimism and overconfidence: Hope springs eternal, and each of us thinks we're better than the other investors out there.
There is also, of course, the possibility that all of these traditional explanations have missed the mark.
It is a way never formally considered by the Christian faith, and its ultimate acceptance or rejection will be determined only by whether it can persuade Christians that it is a more suitable explanation of what they believe about God than the traditional explanations.
In verse 4 Jesus offers another example of a disaster, and cuts across the traditional explanation.
We must remember that one of the traditional explanations of disease is that it is caused by sin.
The traditional explanations have not yet given an adequate explanation of how divine foreknowledge does not destroy human freedom.
There is nothing really wrong with this traditional explanation of Genesis 3.
When a baby cries inconsolably, appears nervous, or doesn't want to eat, the traditional explanation is that the child is suffering from fright or panic (susto or espanto in the words of many abuelitas).
Adding to these traditional explanations, in this post I want to use game theory to introduce the concept of a «supervising agent» to identify why regional integration may be unsustainable in the long run.
Theoretical physicists and astrophysicists, investigating irregularities in the cosmic microwave background (the «afterglow» of the Big Bang), have found there is substantial evidence supporting a holographic explanation of the universe — in fact, as much as there is for the traditional explanation of these irregularities using the theory of cosmic inflation.
The traditional explanation for such a change is that it must provide an advantage in either survival or sexual selection.
The traditional explanation has been that low - oxygen conditions cause the body to build new red blood cells, making it easier to supply oxygen to muscles and vital organs.
«The traditional explanation [for subdural hematomas] was that there were bridging veins that are sheared and... explode blood into the space.
«We were surprised because these are the traditional explanations for why married women are more conservative and Republican,» said Kretschmer.
The facts of schizophrenia are so peculiar, in fact, that they have led Torrey and a growing number of other scientists to abandon the traditional explanations of the disease and embrace a startling alternative.
The average animal cell is 10 microns across and the traditional explanation has been cells are the perfect size because if they were any bigger it would be difficult to get enough nutrients and energy to support them.
The traditional explanation of how depression works, known as the monoamine theory, proposes that the condition arises out of a chemical imbalance in the brain.
Yet, when considering why people cheat, traditional explanations can often seem a bit passé.
The similarities of these two schools eliminate many of the traditional explanations for differences in student achievement and we are left with banal descriptions of «good teaching» in one or «ineffective leadership» in the other.
The traditional explanation of HE is that ammonia buildup in you pet's blood stream affects the animal's brain, leading to confusion and mental dysfunction.
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