Sentences with phrase «traditional formulations»

"Traditional formulations" refers to established and customary ways of expressing or stating something. It means using the same or similar wording, ideas, or methods that have been used for a long time, often passed down through generations. Full definition
Is there any way to understand prayer that can (1) salvage the essential insight in the evangelical view of providence that God cares for persons and peoples and actively seeks our well - being, and (2) escape the ruin that the fact of widespread genuine evil has brought upon traditional formulations of providence?
While I'm sympathetic to their attempt to frame foreign policy around global issues like «global issues like genocide, poverty, women's rights, religious liberty, malaria, and HIV / AIDS,» I suspect that any presentation of conservatism that leads with national defense will quickly be identified with traditional formulations.
It's true that in Hendra's account, Father Joe occasionally seems to stray from the more traditional formulations of church teaching.
And part of the reason may be that the traditional formulation has worn out its welcome.
In promoting «stand your ground» laws, self - proclaimed conservatives become grossly irresponsible radicals, drastically and dramatically undoing centuries of accumulated wisdom in their evisceration of the traditional formulation of self - defense.
We will then examine the traditional formulations of Jesus» centrality which are rooted in a different common sense.
If God who created time also said that it was good, then a formulation of God's eternity must show it to be the source of time, just as the traditional formulation of God as Perfect Good, Absolute Truth and Supreme Being clearly show God to be the source of all good, truth and being.
If the traditional formulations of God show him to be the Perfect Good, Absolute Truth and Supreme Being, since goodness, truth and being are positive values, then there should not be too great a difficulty in accepting a formulation of God's eternity as Absolute or Perfect Time, since time is now revealed to us as positive, thanks to the discovery of evolution.
And here difficulty arises for the traditional formulation, since if God's eternity is seen as the absence of time, it is difficult, to say the least, to see how he could possibly be the source of time.
Even though there is much in its traditional formulations that begs us to interpret it as a celebration of hope and a looking forward into the future, it is often felt to be little more than a reenactment of a past event.
Nevertheless, they should show the possibility of a style of thinking potentially more meaningful to us than the traditional formulations and yet in greater continuity with the tradition than modern radicalism.
But it should be pointed out that we are not bound to the errors which have been made in some of the traditional formulations.
The text which has been made the basis of traditional formulations is, of course, Paul's statement: «Let each man abide in that calling wherein he was called.
For example, there are those who have tried existential and personalistic categories; those who have applied linguistic analysis to biblical statements; those who have advocated the dehellenization of traditional formulations; those who have experimented with political and social categories of the secular city; those who believe in the relevance of pragmatic philosophy or Whiteheadian process philosophy, and so on.
Beyond this, Gutiérrez's observation, along with converging insights of other liberation theologians, has led me to realize that the ideology involved in the traditional formulations of faith's claims is as much a problem as the mythology they involve in establishing their credibility to contemporary men and women.
In at least some of their traditional formulations, theologies of revelation are often strange - sounding, if not entirely alien to the ways in which people today actually live and think.
The PN and CN of God include together all reality; nothing could be separate or beyond ordinary reality, as was thought in the traditional formulations.
Thus goes the traditional formulation of the problem.
The classical Christian center seems to me to involve, in any case, a far more just and dynamic view of eternal life than has so far been expressed in traditional formulations, a view which accepts and incorporates whatever is true in the first two.
Feverfew, ginger, peppermint, lavender, and butterbur, Black Cohosh, Blue Vervain, Eleuthro Ginseng and many others have been used in traditional formulations.
The traditional formulation is:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z