Sentences with phrase «traditional gods»

Many of the best treasures are found hidden behind traditional God of War style puzzles.
Theo Phileo In reality, YHWH was probably the patron god of the Jewish kings who, at the spurring of a few somewhat loony prophets, ruthlessly rooted out worship of all the other traditional gods.
Why does not the traditional God do much more?
Even though the traditional God has the power to extend aid in an eminent way, it appears as if he has not and will not intervene to prevent unnecessary evil.
Not only is Basinger unable to make divine coercionb intelligible, he also appears to be wrong in implying that the traditional God does not exercise coercion in the strong sense of unilateral determination.
Furthermore, the traditional God can insure the final triumph of the good and the defeat of evil.
Pike has to acknowledge that both the instructor and the commission have the power to coerce in the weak sense only, while clearly the traditional God must have the power to coerce in the strong sense.
It is an attack on divine transcendence that shares with his predecessors a veritable celebration of the death of the traditional God of theism.
traditional God could reveal the divine existence and love clearly, and the God who was my Friend would make that existence and love clearly So why is God hiding from us?
There is as much evidence for your «traditional God» as «The flying spaghetti monster», yet you only belief in the first.
Aesir is just a very old word for the traditional gods of Scandinavia.
Underlying them is a sort of «fudging» liberalism, which sees clearly the plight of modern despair and Godlessness but hopes vainly for the reappearance of the traditional God of the past.
He demonstrated that God could not be conceived of as a being (which would make him subordinate to the category of Being per se and merely one being among other beings), and he cautioned against identifying the traditional God with Being (for Being could have none of the attributes — beneficence, love, omniscience, etc. — that are applied to the God who is a being).
A liberating God is upsetting to the traditional gods called upon by empires, autocrats, and oligarchs to justify unjust privileges and to stifle the hopes of the poor.
The traditional gods of oligarchy and empire have, in the words of Walter Brueggemann, a «royal consciousness [which] leads to numbness, especially to numbness about death.
This doctrine rendered meaningless the traditional God of justice, compassion and salvation, replacing it with an ethics fit only for a society of unimaginative shopkeepers.
In refusing to honor the traditional gods, they attacked the security of the state.
On the other hand, the transcendent can function in a person's life, much like the traditional God, as a real resource for living and a continual challenge for growth.
Neo-liberal economism allows diversity of music and dance, the worship of traditional gods and spiritual practices, assuming that they are all compatible with commitment to economic growth.
American Gods centers on a war brewing between the traditional gods of mythological roots from around the world and an upstart pantheon of gods reflecting society's modern love of money, technology, media, celebrity and drugs.
Bryan Fuller has taken to Twitter to share a first - look image of Kristin Chenoweth's Easter — complete with Easter bonnet — from Starz's upcoming Neil Gaiman adaptation American Gods... SEE ALSO: Watch the first trailer for American Gods American Gods posits a war brewing between old and new gods: the traditional gods of mythological roots -LSB-...]
I immediately noticed the new control scheme, which felt more in line with Bloodborne than a traditional God of War title.
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