Sentences with phrase «traditional guidelines»

This can be helpful for self - employed applicants with a lot of write - offs, or those with income that can't be verified under traditional guidelines.
With private lending, you have profitable solutions for deals that don't fit traditional guidelines.
We offer a variety of products, including flexible alternative solutions for clients who may not fit within traditional guidelines.
Some doubt whether traditional guidelines about how much you'll need to retire can still be relied on.
Furthermore, many traditional guidelines for withdrawal policies are simply insufficient for real - life Read more -LSB-...]
The trained Agents brought the Royals only that which the Royals deemed worthy - manuscripts that met traditional guidelines of acceptability.
The ECB will not do anything until European rescue funds are activated under traditional guidelines
But, there's no need to stick to traditional guidelines of at least three months» wages if you're not going to be able to afford it; after all, your partner would probably much rather be sure that you're able to eat, rather than having a massive rock on their finger!
You're getting a boat load of Paleo recipes that stick to traditional guidelines: no gluten, grains, soy, legumes, refined sweeteners, or dairy.
The traditional guidelines for preventing and treating obesity include following a low - calorie diet and doing moderate physical activity over the long term.
When Adam and Jennifer Jones embarked on their homeownership journey, they were concerned that because they were self employed, they may not qualify for a mortgage under traditional guidelines.
As in his earlier book, The Essential Retirement Guide, Vettese comforts would - be retirees with his assertion that the traditional guideline for middle - and high - income earners of replacing 70 % of working income is «too high.»
The traditional guideline is to save between three to six months» worth of living expenses in such accounts.
Some of these elderly life insurance quotes over 62 to 65 guidelines are actually more affordable than the regular and traditional guidelines.
If done properly, the backdoor Roth could bring some valuable retirement savings relief to those individuals that love this vehicle, but can't fit the traditional guidelines.
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