Sentences with phrase «traditional lands»

Such agreements could also provide for Indigenous participation in developing the policies and regimes to regulate developments that occur on traditional land.
Thus it provides a space for the survival of Indigenous control over traditional land within the common law framework.
As in the last few decades the whole world is redefined by the advancement of technology as computers are converted into tablets, traditional land lines into smart phones and so on.
The project also promotes the maintenance and protection of cultural knowledge through the application of traditional land management practices.
This ruling will facilitate possible negotiations over traditional land rights, access to education and health programs, and other government services.
We keep coming up with the same old solutions like moving people off traditional lands, sending in the army, compulsory welfare cards, removing children.
At the heart of Government policy is our respect for cultural connections to land and our respect for communal and traditional land holding systems.
1.1 The most important land priority for traditional owners is custodial responsibilities and capacity to either live on, or access traditional land.
The Evoque, as a four - cylinder crossover, is already bucking a headwind in terms of traditional Land Rover masculinity.
With 640 N · m of torque, the new powertrain mixes dynamic and sustainable performance with traditional Land Rover capability, comfort and refinement.
Maintenance of traditional land use and lifestyles in Europe and Central Asia is strongly related to institutional adequacy and economic viability.
He subsequently recommended the area be declared Aboriginal land and described the claim as «the most complex traditional land claim in the history of the Land Rights Act.»
The company's plans to push forward with the mine despite overwhelming public objection ignores efforts by the Wangan and Jagalingou indigenous people, on whose traditional land this mine would be developed.
Indigenous traditional land owners are groups of people who have traditional connections to geographical regions of Australia's land and sea.
Therefore the development of policy mechanisms like REDD will involve thorny issues like traditional land rights as well as broader questions on how compensation will be structured and what measures will effectively conserve forests without driving more people into poverty.
ibid, Schedule 4, Recital, para F in Ancillary Agreement Native Title: Petroleum (October 2001) between the Yandruwandha / Yawarrawarrka People, Beach Petroleum NL, Magellan Petroleum (NT) Pty Ltd and Yandruwandha Yawarrawarrka Traditional Land Owners (Aboriginal Corporation).
An important part of this was updating the existing traditional land use and ecological knowledge by consulting with local Aboriginal stakeholders.
«When dealing with traditional lands where there is a legitimate right for the Crown to step in and take up land — such as for lumbering, mining, and infrastructure — First Nations have to receive the highest duty to consult and uphold the honour of the Crown,» says Gallagher.
«The project has helped fund the bringing back of traditional land care techniques such as cold burning.
Long trips in traditional Land Rovers (known as Defenders and, before that, the so - called «Series» cars, I - III) have been a Kitman family tradition for almost fifty years.
It's just that the new Discovery skews more towards Range Roveresque luxury and less towards traditional Land Rover utility.
The Resort offers a relaxed and friendly tropical atmosphere reflecting the lifestyle, hospitality and wishes of the Groote Eylandt Traditional Land Owners.
The Suruí will use the proceeds to jumpstart their 50 - year «Life Plan», which is designed to create a sustainable economy that blends traditional land - use practices, ecotourism, and the harvesting of non-timber forest products with modern scientific methods and procedures.
The doctrine of the Crown's duty to consult and accommodate arose from the lengthy period required by the Crown to reach a settlement i.e. 30 years for the Nisgaa, in order to prevent / make the transgressions on traditional lands more involved.
Aboriginal rights were frequently marginalized, leading to a number of continuing efforts to reclaim traditional lands and methods of self - governance.
Girringun Aboriginal Corporation is reviving traditional land management and decision making processes to protect against new and modern challenges;
As both a Traditional Owner and deputy president of the Broome Shire Council, she was a key player in the successful campaign against the proposed $ 46 million gas hub on traditional land at James Price Point near Broome.
Financial support for the Wotjobaluk People, including the purchase of three parcels of Crown land (totalling 45 hectares), which are of particular cultural significance, and ongoing administrative assistance for the Wotjobaluk Traditional Land Council Aboriginal Corporation which will hold the native title and administer the rights and responsibilities flowing from the agreement and;
Where those practices result in the loss of rights, particularly the extinguishment of property rights or the loss of capacity to effectively participate in decisions regarding traditional lands, such practices breach human rights standards.
Where proposals will affect Indigenous land, contacting traditional land owners, the Prescribed Body Corporate (PEC) local branches of Aboriginal Land Councils and the regional Native Title Representative Body (NTRB) is vital.
Unlike traditional land - clearing methods such as herbicide treatments and excavation services, which can have adverse effects on the environment, goats offer an environmentally friendly alternative.
NTRBs are the key to ensuring that Indigenous people are given effective participation in decision - making over traditional lands and natural resources.
Most all of us have our cell phones with us all the time anyway, and if you really like the feel of a traditional phone in your hand, a VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) plan that provides phone service over the Internet is a lot cheaper than traditional land line service.
Recent developments in Indigenous law have made Traditional Land Use (TLU) studies essential tools for environmental assessments and regulatory processes as well as litigation related to Aboriginal title and rights.

Phrases with «traditional lands»

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