Sentences with phrase «traditional legal content»

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Not content merely to question the legitimacy of particular rulings, theorists like Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. and Robert Lee Hale pointed to the example of the lottery and liquor decisions to argue that traditional legal categories like «commerce,» «due process,» «police power,» or «public» were essentially meaningless.
Even with a traditional course structure there's more content - information technology and legal aspects are two major culprits when it comes to bulking up a syllabus - and to make matters worse many people are now choosing accelerated degree courses.
ACC believes that many traditional law firm business models and many of the approaches to lawyer training and cost management are not aligned with what corporate clients want and need: value - driven, high - quality legal services that deliver solutions for a reasonable cost and develop lawyers as counselors (not just content - providers), advocates (not just process - doers) and professional partners.
Because blog content connects with legal consumers in a way traditional marketing language can't.
Compared to the traditional sea of legal content, social media is as close to a «blue ocean» as lawyers are likely to find.
Typically your first piece heralds the decline and fall of the traditional legal publishing houses and their commitment to «the quality, expertise and suitability of their content», as cost saving and outsourcing become the order of the day.
While content will usually have its first life in print, the words and pages will inevitably find a second home online, and now, increasingly, repurposed for other product lines, outside the traditional parameters of legal research.
Ideally, faculty would incorporatea range of email assignments, and students would have multiple opportunities to practice communicating legal analysis in emails in a variety of contexts.45 Indeed, this is one of the consistent themes that comes out of surveys of practicing attorneys: the recommendation for more frequent, shorter assignments to prepare students for the tasks they are most likely to have as new attorneys.46 But the reality is that first - year legal writing classes are already overloaded with content, making it difficult to incorporate numerous email assignments.47 And eliminating traditional, complex memo and brief assignments is also problematic, as those assignments build critical skills in complex legal reasoning.48
In response to these shifts, sites like Avvo have blended the concept of a traditional legal directory with features borrowed from the consumer world like ratings, user - generated content, reviews, and question - and - answer forums.
The premise for this resource is that many traditional law firm business models and cost management strategies (read reward more billable hours) are not aligned with what corporate clients really want and need: value - driven, high - quality legal services that deliver solution for a reasonable cost and develop lawyers as counselors (not just content - providers), advocates (not just process - doers) and professional partners.
In the process, the legal publisher effectively abandons its traditional responsibility for preparing content.
Law content will become so specialized that MSM will produce specific law publications, online or otherwise, and will draw on a blend of traditional journalistic / publishing and legal talent.
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