Sentences with phrase «traditional livelihoods»

"Traditional livelihoods" refers to the ways people have earned a living for generations, often involving traditional knowledge, skills, and practices that have been passed down through families or communities. Full definition
It is more difficult for grassroots women who find themselves managing families in very strenuous circumstances where traditional livelihoods are under threat and where men are often absent.
However, if instituted appropriately, renewable energy projects can enhance and maintain traditional livelihoods and also foster local employment.
Tourists, keen to see rugged natural beauty, may sustain the Arctic economy in future decades as traditional livelihoods, such a reindeer herding, prove harder to maintain.
Though certain tracts remain unspoiled, the oil and gas industry, both legal and illicit, has severely polluted much of the Delta's fragile ecosystem — disrupting traditional livelihoods such as farming and fishing.
Many also continue traditional livelihoods based on hand crafts and agriculture.
Forest Trends» Communities Initiative also directly addresses this concept through its partnerships with indigenous and traditional communities of the Amazon rainforest — one of the largest carbon sinks in the world — using markets and other financing means to support traditional livelihoods that maintain intact forests.
They simply demand that the companies commission reports setting out the assumptions they make when deciding on oil sands investments, including factors such as oil prices, the cost of greenhouse gas emissions, and «legal and reputational risks arising from local environmental damage and impairment of traditional livelihoods».
Life is therefore becoming more difficult for grassroots women who find themselves managing families in very strenuous circumstances, where traditional livelihoods are under threat and where men are often absent.
Fishing, for example, is an essential aspect of their traditional livelihoods.
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