Sentences with phrase «traditional measures of success»

Like leaders in Britain, France and a few other places, they want to move beyond the traditional measures of success — economic growth — to promote policies that produce more than just material well - being.
[1] To date, traditional measures of success included factors based on a plan's inputs, such as participation rates, savings levels, and the relative performance of underlying Read more -LSB-...]
They built their interventions based on their students» resiliency status, also including traditional measures of success such as grades and attendance, available in their student information system (SIS).
Avalon students also do well on traditional measures of success.

Not exact matches

In the game of traditional banking, the measure of success of borrowing and lending depend only on a few things: the interest rate you borrow at, the interest rate you lend at, the quality of your loans, and the overhead of the bank.
The number of unemployed clergy and empty pulpits is alarming to those who measure success in traditional terms.
«By looking at vastly different groups — one driven by creativity and musical talent and the other by more traditional business measures of success — we hope to see that this form of diversity benefits all groups.»
Other factors challenge traditional measures of scientific success.
«ESSA claws back some of the most problematic federal accountability requirements, and it emphasizes the need for social and emotional, as well as traditional academic, measures of student success,» Weiss said.
Teachers unions across Washington opposed the initiative from day one, saying it diverts money from the traditional schools, the schools lack a consistently high success rate for students and the measure allows out - of - state operators to run schools within the public school system and without traditional oversight.
Using Ryan or Sullivan as the benchmark for measuring «success» suggests that the singular goal of self - publishing is to become one of the «lucky few» who eventually get picked up by traditional houses; in other words, it reinforces the idea that self - publishing is merely the means to an end.
I said nowhere that traditional publishing guarantees success by any measure; in fact, other blog posts I've done are full of warnings for authors who go the traditional route.
My choices are not the «secret» to bestseller status or any other traditional signs of success, but they are right for my measures of success, which is my point.
At the same time, it highlights that, as agents of change, indigenous people are essential to the success of policies and measures directed towards mitigating and adapting to climate change, especially their sustainable economic model and traditional knowledge.
Traditional law firm metrics tend to measure success through law firm eyes, with the ultimate goal of improving profitability.
A survey released this week by the Pew Research Center shows that most Americans now regard sharing household chores as more vital to a good marriage than such traditional measures of marital success as having children.
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