Sentences with phrase «traditional owners live»

Most traditional owners live in communities with other Indigenous people who are not traditional owners.
An approach that only concentrated on the well being of the traditional owners is unlikely to be practical, equitable or sustainable if the living conditions of other members of the Indigenous community in which traditional owners live are not being addressed.
In this way native title can itself be integrated into the economic and social development of the broader communities and regions that traditional owners live in.
In this way native title can itself be integrated into the economic and social development of the broader communities that traditional owners live in.

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Mark Wolf, director of the Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute, says the traditional concept of retirement isn't realistic for small business owners.
For small - business owners, live - streaming represents an especially enticing proposition given the convenience of creating content with the click of a button, and without the costs associated with traditional video production.
Perhaps that's why a pair of business owners have recently spoken out about their attempts to innovate the vacation, rethinking the traditional getaway to better suit the realities of life as a 21st century business owner.
«We also take more seriously the right of the small sheep - owners in big forests to continue to live «where they belong» on a traditional level as ecologically on a higher level than their urban critics» («Encouraging» 54).
«I want people to enjoy a genuine taste of France and offer guests a moment to retreat from their busy lives while experiencing the relaxing atmosphere of a traditional French café,» said Jonathan Pluvinet, owner of Rosallie.
In the view of Thatcherites, the new Thatcherite Britain would be founded not on the traditional sources of trade union and Labour Party power but on owner occupiers living in suburbs and new towns, in small, specialist new technology and electronics companies, in the service sector, with weaker and atrophied unions.
Most Erie County Democratic voters are hard - working, ethnic, traditional, conservative people who believe in common sense ideas like: taxes are too high; criminals belong in jail; police should be respected; law abiding gun owners are not the root of our crime problem; plastic bags should be legal and that life is sacred.
Now, you may not come across an entire tribe, but many Australians today show great respect towards the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; after all, they are the traditional owners of the land you are living or stepping on.
Given that this type of investment is considered to be higher risk than owner live - in properties, the process is traditionally more complex, and possibly higher cost than traditional mortgages, but recently regulations and new products have opened new doors for people looking to fulfill their dreams.
Yet feral cats or cats that arrive in a trap to the shelter are unsocialized to humans and can't adjust to life in a human home as they have no traditional «owners» to claim them.
They were a grassroots movement working to protect the rights of dog owners, and to assure that the traditional relationships between dogs and humans maintains its rightful place in American society and life.
But for the pet owner wanting to preserve good muscle tone, decrease the risk of certain cancers and likely prolong their pet's life, an alternative to traditional spay / neuter may be appealing.
Yet feral cats are unsocialized to humans and can't adjust to life in a human home, and they have no traditional «owners» to claim them.
We are a grassroots movement working to protect the rights of dog owners, and to assure that the traditional relationships between dogs and humans maintains its rightful place in American society and life.
NOSODES: Rather than traditional vaccinations, some pet owners are now electing to give Nosodes, which are based on geographical living areas, health, age and condition of your pet.
This protocol may save the lives of thousands of dogs, reduce the side effects from traditional cancer treatment, and will help to lower health care costs for the owners.
It invites you inside rural living in our country through traditional cuisine, authenticity of the communities, and the wealth that comes from living in a natural environment where sustainable practices promoted by business owners dominate as part of this product.
Formerly a traditional manor house owned by the man who discovered the islands, Joao Goncalves Zarco, it now features exhibits of various antiques, paintings and jewellery that belonged to the rich owners who lived there from the 15th to the 19th Century.
The stories of the traditional owners of the land — and their belief the Mossman River has a life - giving force — inspires the treatment menu.
The traditional permanent or whole life insurance ensures the policy owner of minimum returns on the cash value.
Like traditional whole life insurance, burial insurance allows the insured or owner to pay one consistent premium for the life of the product.
This type of policy has higher fees and costs of insurance but if the performance of the variable funds is strong the owner could end up with a higher cash value than a traditional life insurance policy.
Posted in approval, business life insurance, CEO life insurance, executives, guaranteed issue life insurance, HIV life insurance, HIV Positive, insurance, life insurance, life insurance approval Tagged business owner hiv life insurance, ceo hiv life insurance, executive hiv life insurance, guidelines for approval, hiv guidelines fair and attainable, hiv positive approved life insurance, hiv positive one million dollars life insurance, hiv positive permanent life insurance, hiv positive term life insurance, hiv positive traditional life insurance, insurance, life insurance
In a traditional life insurance plan, an individual is the owner of the policy, whereas his / her spouse is the beneficiary.
Key person policies differ from traditional life insurance policies in that a business entity is both the owner and beneficiary.
With answers to these questions, governments can work, in partnership with traditional owners and the communities they live within, towards these shared goals.
The proposal in this report to redirect the native title system to economic and social development benefits for the traditional owner group needs to consider the divisions that this might generate if the living conditions for the rest of the community were not also being addressed.
How can funding be directed to those things necessary for improving the living conditions of the traditional owner group?
Native title rights are isolated from the day to day lives of communities, and from traditional owners» economic development.
Native title groups may wish to include other traditional owners, non-traditional owner Indigenous people or non-Indigenous people in their corporate structure to make it representative of the broader community in which they live, or to increase the corporation's pool of skills.
Developing a native title policy consistent with these principles will enhance the capacity of the native title system to deliver real outcomes for traditional owner groups and the communities they live in.
Our organisations represent the Native Title holders and traditional owners of the Fitzroy Valley, and the organisations that service and support the township of Fitzroy Crossing, the 35 surrounding communities, large and small, and the nearly 4,000 people who live here.
Formalising the links between traditional owners and the communities that they live in through local and regional structures will provide a framework to consider the issues that arise for traditional owners, both as members of the local community and as part of a larger network of traditional owners in the region.
Yet it is precisely at this point that traditional owners must face the issues of real concern to their community: how can we exercise our native title rights and improve our economic and social well being and that of the communities we live in?
The traditional owner groups that live on the Murray - Darling River Basin have also been conducting use and occupancy mapping of the activities they conduct on their lands and waters
And even if just one life is saved, then it is worth it, because our lives are no less valuable because of the colour of our skin, our socioeconomic standing or our rights as the Traditional Owners of this land being eroded day after day after day.
That is, recognising Indigenous identity in all its complexity; and maximising the capacity of native title to contribute to the economic and social development of traditional owner groups and the communities they live in.
Overall, the Native Title Report 2004 seeks to develop a framework that recognises the distinctiveness of Indigenous identity as it is shaped by an adherence to traditional laws and customs, while at the same time seeking to maximise the contribution that the native title system can make to the economic and social development of traditional owner groups and the communities they live in.
And while years of mission experience has imbued traditional owners with elements of Christian belief and practice, most traditional owners also hold the Dreaming, and its accompanying ritual system, as fundamental, both to their lives and the wellbeing of the ongoing socio - cultural order of which they are part.
For example, the Bill does not acknowledge that there may be distinctions between the traditional owners and the community that live on the land and receive the benefit of public housing.
The survey found that the top priority for traditional owners is maintaining their custodial responsibilities and being able to either live on, or access, traditional land.
For example, Traditional Owners may not live on the land on which the housing is built.
The first type of legislation does not generally vest rights directly in traditional owners of land or in the Indigenous community living on the land.
The traditional owners do not have «shared interests» in this work if it kills life.
Four decades since the Jawoyn launched a land claim that now encompasses one of the most successful tourism ventures in the NT, traditional owners celebrate the dream that was «brought to life».
While Aboriginal people in Victoria have successfully fought for important mechanisms such as the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement and Traditional Owner Settlement Act, our failure to pay reparations for stolen children or stolen wages, deliver land justice, close the gap in life expectancy or prevent overrepresentation of Aboriginal people in prison, shows we have much to do to make amends and achieve equity.
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