Sentences with phrase «traditional path»

The same for less traditional paths to a wide readership.
I'm not someone who has pursued a very traditional path to becoming a writer.
We took a relatively traditional path when you look at tech startups.
Should collaborative negotiation prove not to work for either party, he or she may unilaterally, and without reason, terminate their role in the collaborative process and proceed along the more traditional path of individual representation and court intervention.
Most who think they are choosing leadership by following traditional paths set by others» values may not know it, but they're choosing the rat race.
They may be hoping to keep to traditional paths in plant breeding, but they are up - to - the - minute with their own Facebook page!
Alcatel is following a more traditional path with Tru, betting that shoppers will be willing to compromise on some specs if it means lower - cost hardware.
Now, almost 10 months since the diagnosis, I continue to pursue the chemotherapy prescribed by my oncologist as well as less traditional paths such as acupuncture and yoga.
Josephine Abercrombie rid herself of all thoughts of marriage and the other traditional paths of Miss Lillie's «woman's world» and got into the fight game.
«When you consider that Munch felt that he didn't really hit his stride until his 50s and that his career doesn't map against traditional paths of art history, then the latter part of his career warrants a closer look,» said Gary Garrels, Elise S. Haas Senior Curator of Painting and Sculpture at SFMOMA.
Paul was not the only Nash to be an official war artist; his younger brother John was also a poetic landscape painter, although he trod a more traditional path while his sibling experimented with avant - garde styles such as Surrealism.
Simply called «Scenarios for 2035,» the report never once mentions voting trends or red - blue divides, but it does explain how changes in climate could quickly and radically reshape American politics — upending the power balance in Congress, scuttling traditional paths to the White House, and igniting new fights over natural and financial resources.
After receiving mediation training, many new mediators opt for the most known and traditional path of mediating litigated cases.
j: From traditional paths, to small indie presses, to self - publishing, there have never been more options available to writers seeking publication.
«I soon realized that a door had opened for me to travel a less traditional path from the more commonly recognized small animal practitioner, and to pursue a facet of veterinary medicine that truly is important in ensuring the safety of our food supply.»
In comparison to non-real estate investing, crowdfunding gives you a more profitable way to invest than traditional paths such as a savings account, 401K funds or the stock market.
If the FICO XD score does not help, you can still take more traditional paths to building credit, such as using a secured credit card.
Millennials across the world believe that a traditional path to work and a permanent job are «obsolete».
A conversation with Weidenmiller makes it clear that she's not one to follow the traditional path — not only from a corporate perspective, but also when it comes to women's issues, which are close to her heart.
Stephen Conroy, a housing economist at San Diego University, told TRD that millennials are living the legacy of the Great Recession, which explains why they are taking longer to follow the traditional path of marriage and homeownership.
You're doing something interesting: the traditional path is for a driver to become a success and then start businesses around that success, but you've always worked to do both simultaneously.
«When we come out of school, we've been told by our parents or our peers or our guidance counselors that there's this traditional path.
Where Kickstarter uses the web to connect like - minded niche consumers and capitalizes on existing social networks for marketing, other examples of the sharing economy follow a more traditional path.
It has made the traditional paths even more attractive because as the field of competition has increased, the traditional firms have put even greater emphasis on early exposure, responsibility, ownership and mentorship.
However, as I started reading The Icarus Deception, its messages got under my skin — the primary one being that with the opportunities provided by the internet, not everyone has to conform to the traditional paths that had been long established by industrialization.
The traditional path to a green card and the typical visa held by tech workers coming to the U.S. is the H - 1B visa.
In a less traditional path to Wall Street than many of his peers, Solomon skipped the Ivy League and studied political science at Hamilton College in upstate New York.
«Some of the really great talent may have not neccesarily come up through traditional paths
A little while back, my fiancé and I were discussing how in so many ways, because we didn't take what seemed the traditional path through college or the typical path to adulthood, we felt like we'd missed out on many experiences that we wish we'd had.
Whitehead approaches the question of man's desire for immortality, not by following the traditional path of the soul as having substance, but that every act, every event, every realization of value has everlasting significance and contributes everlastingly to the nature of things.
I think the reason why so many are upset is because many of us have left the traditional path because of our experiences with it and the author likens us to mindless Zombies.
In Matthew 19:4 — 5, Jesus encourages a traditional path, but does not discourage alternatives, except in the case of divorce.
In Matthew 19: 4 - 5, Jesus encourages a traditional path, but does not discourage alternatives, except in the case of divorce.
In addition to representing the aspiration of the black community for «manliness,» the black church has also been the traditional path toward the embourgeoisernent of the black community.
This recipe is a little diversion from a traditional path to wellness.
... While marriage remains the traditional path, it is not the only one.
Dee, it seems, is at a crossroads: take the traditional path of a reality TV veteran, or engage in the political process?
The most recent polling for Gillibrand's own race has her leading opponent Wendy Long by wide margins — 64 to 27 percent, says a September Quinnipiac poll — and so the New York senator has sufficient leeway to throw her time and resources behind other campaigns, an unusual luxury for a politician and a traditional path for New York figures to a measure of national power.
While my collective sources are right only 99 percent of the time, to coin a phrase, indications are that some sections of that well - traditional path were pursued in the Salzmann saga.
Not all students want to follow the traditional path of a four - year college.
«Few astronomers, especially women, follow the traditional path that we're all taught as students: a Ph.D. followed by one or two postdocs in different places, and then a permanent position,» she says.
«That's in contrast to the traditional path of entering a medical school environment and depending on grant support.
How long did it take before I forgave myself for moving away from the traditional path I trained for?
«It's not a traditional path, but getting into medical school in some ways is about showing you're unique and different.
A successful consulting assignment is a hard thing to achieve over a short period of time — so «success would be a telltale sign of a real potential for industry,» Forest says, adding that it could also benefit people who choose a more traditional path.
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