Sentences with phrase «traditional people»

They do not accept any more the presence of outsiders, especially white people, who pretend to speak on behalf of traditional persons.
Traditional peoples in the tropics got plenty of sun on a daily basis and still ate plenty of vitamin D rich foods.
The vital roles of these fat - soluble vitamins and the high levels found in the diets of healthy traditional peoples confirm the importance of pasture - feeding livestock.
Come learn what makes these foods valued by traditional people the world over.
In similar fashion to modern rice syrup, it seems a few traditional people groups consumed something similar to milk powder.
Traditional people took great care in the preparation of grains, nuts, seeds and legumes.
All healthy traditional people consumed as much animal fat as they could, and took care to hunt when the animals were fat.
Traditional peoples knew through observation that grains were very hard to digest and caused health problems over time for those who consumed them without careful preparation.
Traditional people across the globe have used beneficial bacteria to enhance and preserve foods throughout the ages.
So it really threw me for a loop when I stopped to consider what traditional peoples used to eat and how they focused very highly on nutrient density.
Traditional people valued fat and went to great expense to insure that they had enough of it.
They were distressed to find considerable resistance among traditional people.
A good question is: If avoiding grains is so good for health, why didn't traditional peoples discover it?
This maximum is different with all companies but the cumulative maximum is $ 15,000 for traditional person disability income insurance.
I am a more traditional person when it comes to mirrors but I do believe they can give the right space a big punch of awesome!
Just look at the varied diets followed by traditional peoples.
Traditional people didn't buy gelatin in a store to fix up their stock, and neither should we.
If we look back at the diets of traditional people who retained strong, flexible bones throughout long and productive lives, it's apparent the answer lies in «nose to tail» eating with variety of nourishing real foods.
From Alaska to Australia, scientists are turning to the knowledge of traditional people for a deeper understanding of the natural world.
Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, dispels myths and misconceptions about essential fatty acids in this episode, as she explains principle # 8 of the Wise Traditions diet: how traditional peoples ate just the right balance of omega - 3 and omega - 6 fatty acids.
the varied ways in which traditional people included bones in their diet (the Eskimos ferment fish, Africans ferment bones, and American Indians grind up bones of small animals)
Weston Price observed traditional people going to great lengths to obtain foods high in fat - soluble vitamins for pregnant women.
Not only did traditional peoples soak, sprout, or sour leaven their grains, they also thoroughly cooked them as the final preparation step before eating.
The members of the corporation are all local traditional people who reside in the remote Arnhem Land community of Maningrida or at one of the 32 outstations in the region.
Archaeological evidence suggests traditional peoples of South America have been using this brew for over 4000 years.
In 2012, analyzing two other coprolites from the same site, Lewis and colleagues found that the ancient Native American microbiomes overall corresponded to modern, rural examples from traditional peoples in Africa, but not to industrialized bowel bugs.
Because Brazil lacked the equivalent of the U.S. Homestead Act, which deeded property rights to settlers, traditional people rarely obtained legal title to their marginal land.
To ward off pathogens, fungi have developed an arsenal of antibacterial and antiviral compounds — a resource that traditional peoples harnessed in the form of mushroom teas and foodstuffs.
Traditional people prized animal fats such as the brain, organs and tallow or suet.
Used by all ancients, several traditional peoples, generally preferred over the other grains (rice was a later historical development of which I'm investigating the reasons), was a staple before it was replaced by potato, said to promote general equilibrium in the foundational ayurvedic text, the Caraka Samhita, and of the five cereals of Chinese medicine, named the best by the Yinshan Zhengyao.
For the time being, I hope that you will find some value in knowing that these health promoting nutrients are offered to us in the same balance that is found in nature... the same balance that our early ancestors would have consumed... the same balance that gave traditional people strong, flexible joints and bones, (including teeth) throughout long and productive lives.
If that were true, high - fat, low - carb diets like Atkins wouldn't be superior to low - fat diets for weight loss — and they are — and traditional peoples like the Inuit (who get up to 90 % of calories from fat) and the Masai (who get between 60 - 70 % of calories from fat) would be fat — and they're not.
As their guest, you will experience traditional Aboriginal knowledge in action as local traditional people guide you through a range of environments and teach you about how people survived in this region as hunter gatherers until the mid twentieth century.
Meanwhile, Messenger is branching out beyond traditional person - to - person communication.
(A separate agency, the National Indian Foundation [FUNAI], manages indigenous lands, while the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform [INCRA] is tasked with sorting out the rights of squatters and traditional people with informal land rights.)
Cod liver oil provides fat - soluble vitamins A and D, which Dr. Price found present in the diet of traditional people groups in amounts ten times higher than those in «modernized» diets!
«Our team recognizes the rights of traditional people who use the park,» the park's new boss, Márcio Lucca, told me.
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