Sentences with phrase «traditional purpose of»

I see nothing said here about what seems to me to be the central traditional purpose of a partnership structure: the desire to apportion net earnings in agreed proportions, — as organized by the partnership agreement, — from year to year, rather than to structure earnings as stated sums payable by way of salary (which of course would be the default structure if the firm were owned by equity investors).
At the outset, the figures are smiling, a nod to the traditional purpose of portraiture as a showcase of one's ideal or idealized comportment.
One bank exec who oversees US IPOs said this was «not a replacement for an IPO» since Spotify wasn't raising any money, one of the traditional purposes of an offering — to sell a portion of the company to the public to finance more growth.
That is one of the traditional purposes of a scene break.
Instead, as a quick review of Congress's express commands in section 3553 (a) of the Sentencing Reform Act makes clear, Congress told judges to «impose a sentence sufficient, but not greater than necessary, to comply with» the traditional purposes of sentencing (while also considering various relevant facts and factors including the guidelines).
The formal mandate of 3553 (a) requires a federal judge to impose a sentence in each case that is «sufficient, but not greater than necessary» to serve the traditional purposes of punishment set forth in 3553 (a)(2).

Not exact matches

«General Mills» decision to draw attention to the issue of declining bee populations marks the continuation of its commitment to purpose - based marketing, which means brands will go beyond traditional statements such as product benefit in order to align with what's really important to consumers,» Cossette chief creative officer Peter Ignazi told AdWeek.
Regardless, understand the uniqueness of your purpose and avoid the traditional routes.»
«With fewer bargain - priced properties to choose from and a growing number of traditional buyers, finding a home for vacation purposes became more difficult and less affordable last year,» he said.
But traditional businesses have long considered purpose ornamental — a perfectly nice accessory, so long as it didn't get in the way of the important things.
There are numerous factors behind this decline, but one compelling reason is that traditional brick - and - mortar retailers haven't been that great at gathering data, and making sense of it for marketing purposes.
Co-founder and CEO Eli Pariser, whose site first staked a reputation for re-packaging liberal stories, says the move to partner with a traditional network (and MSNBC in particular) is one that makes sense for both companies: «We had a meeting with NBCU and realized that we were thinking about a bunch of the same things, and that it would be fun to collaborate on a project,» he says, by «bringing together what we learned from curating a lot of video for purpose - driven millennials, and what they know about visual video storytelling,» he tells Inc. exclusively.
This purpose of this report is to show investors how New Constructs» proprietary forensic accounting research empowers them to identify alpha - generating investment ideas more efficiently than traditional manual approaches.
«One of the main purposes of the SBA was to allow people to buy a business who might not qualify for a traditional loan, but now if you want to buy a $ 2 million business and your house only has $ 500,000 in equity, that's not enough,» he said.
By selling altcoins and tokens for the purpose of financing or utilizing projects, companies that would be recognized as too risky or too small by traditional investment entities have a means to raise large amounts of seed capital.
Nevertheless, there are some loan purposes where the longer - terms of these more traditional small business loans might not be the best fit.
This makes it important to weigh the value of access verses a lower interest rate in some circumstances — this is true even for very creditworthy borrowers who would otherwise qualify for a traditional commercial loan at the bank but their loan purpose doesn't give them the luxury of time required to wait for a traditional bank loan.
Companies raising «traditional» Reg D private placements accessible only to accredited investors, for example, had grown accustomed to pooling individual investors into single - purpose LLCs to manage their cap tables and limit the number of direct investors reflected therein.
If you expect that there will be a broad range of profit - making activities to generate levels of profit that are similar to traditional businesses or slightly less (due to your social or environmental commitments), then you will likely choose a for - profit organization structure and become a social - purpose business.
Additionally, the software that should be developed for this purpose should also enable users to earn more money that when traders use the traditional method of the trading on the binary option market.
The purpose of the volume, according Harold Attridge, is to explore «the ongoing controversy in the United States about the relationship between science and religion, particularly evolutionary biology and traditional readings of the biblical creation story.»
In traditional theism nature has no intrinsic value, so the fact that it exists merely for God's purposes and is then destroyed is of no moral consequence.
African churches devised African traditional religion (ATR) for their seminaries for the same purpose of Africanizing infallibility.
Thus, the traditional institutions of education may help to determine the character and the purposes of what is done via the newer agencies.
Also in the face of the ecological disaster created by the modern ideas of total separation of humans from nature and of the unlimited technological exploitation of nature, it is proper for primal vision to demand, not an undifferentiated unity of God, humanity and nature or to go back to the traditional worship of nature - spirits, but to seek a spiritual framework of unity in which differentiation may go along with a relation of responsible participatory interaction between them, enabling the development of human community in accordance with the Divine purpose and with reverence for the community of life on earth and in harmony with nature's cycles to sustain and renew all life continuously.
But I would just mention them, namely the science - based technology which gives power to humans to control and engineer with material, social and even psychic forces to achieve purposes and goals for the future chosen by humans; the revolutionary social changes produced by the revolts of the poor and the oppressed in all societies; and the break - up of the traditional religious integration of societies and their reintegration by the State.
To put this in traditional language, the Church manifests its Christian identity by proclaiming Jesus Christ, by making him available for men and women, by laboring to create and nourish a life in others which reflects and serves his purposes and his own quality of life.
By focusing on individual conversions apart from traditional church authorities that had, even for Protestants, provided the context for the communication of biblical truth, the revivals encouraged individuals to appropriate Scripture for their own purposes.
David Pailin, Britain's foremost exponent of process - relational thought, has recently sought to avoid the traditional «aim and lure» language by speaking of divine agency as a general teleological purpose: a drive or intentional cosmic urge within the...
Neither traditional liberal arts nor most of the new academic disciplines turn out to be very useful for this purpose.
The purpose of traditional spiritual formation — the language used to describe faith formation before the time of Christian education — is to deepen awareness of what it means to claim and live through faith that is «the gift of God.»
The use of and appeal to religious communalism is effective (at least in the short run) precisely because increasingly more people are finding a greater sense of common purpose in traditional religions than in political parties or secular ideologies.
Whenever we confess the traditional words of the creed «I look for the resurrection of the dead», we are not comforting ourselves with the hope of personal immortality; we are making a very solemn confession about the serious purpose of life.
The former is the more traditional Thomistic approach, which makes allowances for a diversity of secondary agents that can bring about the primary agent's designs or purposes.
Some abandoned traditional religion altogether, only to find that scientific knowledge of the natural world does not in itself provide answers to the meaning and purpose of life.
Rolt began his study with a rejection of the traditional understanding of power as compulsion or «brute force,» which leads to the realization that «the mind is brought at last to One Who is yet stronger than the universe itself, and Who... by the act of an almighty will, which nothing can resist, bends all things to His purposes and compels the whole material system to obey His irresistible commands.»
The purpose of this note is to illustrate, in a brief fashion, the difference between Ford's presentation of Whitehead's metaphysics and its traditional interpretations.
They introduced Christ also as the revelation of God's purpose in world history and as the Messiah who fulfilled that goal in the end; it brought the peoples out of their traditional isolation into the realm not only of universal church history but also of secular national and world history.
On the contrary, he said, «To judge from the behavior and the achievements of the wealthy classes today in any quarter of the world, the outlook is very depressing» and he added: «If the economic problem is solved, mankind will be deprived of its traditional purpose... must we not expect a nervous breakdown?»
The purpose of this book is to present his view of reality, to show the development of his thought concerning God, and to explore the implications of his system for the traditional problems of philosophy of religion.
After showing why it's an area of concern, we will attempt to discern the biblical and traditional basis for this practice or program in an attempt to determine its original purpose.
The standard reply by defenders of traditional free will theism is that «worst» is a relative term so that, if God had prevented the worst evils, then the next worst evils would have been the worst, and the critic would claim that God should have prevented those, and so on, so that, in Hick's words, «There would be nowhere to stop, short of a divinely arranged paradise,» which would defeat the divine purpose of soul - making (363 - 64).
This has been an especially difficult problem for the traditional free will defense, because that defense is oriented around the idea that human suffering can be justified in terms of God's «soul - making» purpose of producing moral and spiritual virtues.
It seems to many thoughtful people, in any case, that a God endowed with traditional omnipotence could have made this a far better world, even for the purpose of soul - making, by preventing a wide range of evils that have destroyed or stunted billions of lives throughout human history.
During 1519, a spate of German writings began to flow from his pen, non-polemical writings, designed for the traditional religious purposes of instruction and comfort, reminding people of that on which they ultimately depended, designed to nurture their true freedom.
Modernity has awakened them to their rights of participation in the structures of power, but the modern technological developments and commercialism have increased the power of their traditional oppressors by alienating land, forests, water sources and femininity from them for exploiting them for purposes of profit and have destroyed their livelihood and pattern of life.
For example, the similarity of today's collapse of traditional values to the challenge which the «front generation» of the 1920's (veterans of the trenches of World War I) made to all the traditions of state and culture that had held Europe together for so many years; or the comparison between Hitler's anti-semitism and the cynical use of racism for political purposes in the political campaigns of George Wallace and others; or the similarity between American actions in Indo - China and European imperialism in Africa at the turn - of.
Here traditional orthodox Christianity and postliberal versions are, and must be, forthrightly revelational; the «yes» in (1b) and its implications for (2) are backed by a view that what is revealed in Christ reveals the ultimate purpose of things.
Most of the area of Africa below the countries of North Africa is controlled by European colonial powers, but for our purposes it is more convenient to refer to the traditional divisions of the Sudan — Eastern, Central, and Western.
Most any Paleo bread will work in this, you just have to make sure that it's using almond flour or coconut flour instead of all - purpose flour, as this will take care of any grain concerns and will allow you to have this the traditional way.
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