Sentences with phrase «traditional racing games»

This game is a lot of fun and feels very different to more traditional racing games.
The switch up here is that there are no laps as is standard in traditional racing games.
With the racing genre only just beginning to pick up speed on Facebook, this alpha - state game is an interesting case study in the challenge of adapting traditional racing game mechanics to the platform.
Super Mario Kart is the most traditional racing game of the bunch, as the tracks looked the most like race tracks that they ever would, and there was less of a focus on items and fairness.
Unlike traditional racing games, Micro Machines keeps the camera in a strict top - down locked angle with players having to adjust their steering based on the track and the various hazards.
People who don't like traditional racing games can still tend to enjoy games like ModNation Racers, and I have personal experience deploring golf while loving the heck out of Hot Shots Golf for Vita, but Virtua Tennis 4 seems less likely to be a missionary for its genre, though it's packed with undeniable positives.
PlayStation Gamer As Sony's first party racer goes «back to the drawing board», can traditional racing games survive?
Greg Pryjmachuk used to work with the folks who make more traditional racing games like DiRT (2007) and GRID (2008) and the F1 games, but now he's making Jalopy (previously called Hac), which doesn't look particularly «traditional» at all.
Unlike traditional racing games, Trailblazers allows you to paint on the tracks on which you race.
PlayStation Gamer As Sony's first party racer goes «back to the drawing board», can traditional racing games survive?
By offering up enough twists on a traditional racing game, it finds ways to create excitement that haven't been done before in the genre and is a must for anyone looking for an arcade - style futuristic racing experience.
Reviews: 4/5 — Hardcore Gamer: «By offering up enough twists on a traditional racing game, it finds ways to create excitement that haven't been done before in the genre and is a must for anyone looking for an arcade - style futuristic racing experience.
This has always kind of been the case with the multiplayer found in more traditional racing games, because people either take risks, crash and then cause a chain of wreckage, or the odd person will enter with the goal of pissing people off.
Getting a racing game to work on mobile can sometimes be a tricky thing, which is no doubt why developers have started to steer clear of anything that actually resembles a traditional racing game.
Dyad does away with the traditional racing game mechanics of break and accelerate and replaces them with puzzle - like mechanics.
It's not a traditional racing game by any means, but it is full of frustrating fun.
Not a traditional racing game by any means, but if you love cars, guns and zombies, it's worth the download.
This is not a traditional racing game; you won't be behind the wheel controlling the car's movements while slowing down and speeding up when necessary.
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