Sentences with phrase «traditional religious beliefs»

He reviews the distant past to trace how Western civilization's move into the modern era challenged traditional religious beliefs.
The evidence suggests that all of these influences have indeed exercised a negative effect on traditional religious beliefs and practices.
The appeal of neither can be understood outside the context of the waning of traditional religious belief among intellectuals.
Naturally, those beliefs collide with what we consider traditional religious beliefs, neither of which we can prove.
In traditional religious belief it is by some form of mysticism that humanity can achieve such a goal.
It also shows that scientific modes of thought do not necessarily erode traditional religious belief.
Besides requiring more licenses, states are putting more conditions on them, and often doing so in ways that clash with traditional religious beliefs, said Stanley Carlson - Thies, president of the Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance.
As indigenous groups on the Plateau have fought for political and cultural restoration, several groups have made efforts to restore traditional religious beliefs and ceremonies.
«this knowledge contradicts religious doctrine and may cause you to question traditional religious beliefs»
The traditional religious beliefs of his in - law family may have struck him as a hodgepodge of philosophy and religion with no real consistency.
First, as I mentioned in my last post, there is a sizable minority in the United States holding to traditional religious beliefs.
In the sixties the humanism and socialism of Pandit Nehru was still influential and perhaps the majority of students at Madras Christian College, except for the committed Christians, put their trust in Western values rather than traditional religious beliefs, although this was probably not true of students at the Hindu Vivekananda College, where I attended some lectures.
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