Sentences with phrase «traditional standards»

A warm place combining luxurious, modern comfort with traditional standards of hospitality, where hotel guests feel welcomed and valued.
It's not like they're trying to fight to maintain some kind of traditional standard for its own sake.
Some will argue that these are not games by more traditional standards, while others say that games are an experience, and one which doesn't play by any particular set of rules.
Some promote creativity, while others maintain traditional standards.
In such circumstances the lender has virtually no risk, at least by traditional standards.
If you're thinking of an ICO: You had better think about meeting traditional standards of good faith and fair dealing, because you're going to be held to them one way or another.
This was a time of immense social and political conflict, change, and transformation — the civil rights movement, the Black is Beautiful movement, and the second wave of feminism — during which many women, particularly African - Americans, rejected and redefined traditional standards of beauty.
Although Matisse's work was more clearly representative than that of Duchamp, it was nonetheless perceived as childlike and primitive, and an attack on traditional standards of beauty.
Guerilla marketing consists of creatively placing ads around urban centers that break traditional standards.
However much traditional standards are leveled in our late democratic society, American theater will persist in challenging putatively oppressive values and the figures who enforce them.
The article suggested Gove's ideological battle against «The Blob», the amorphous education establishment which opposes his attempts to inject competition and traditional standards into England's schools, «might not be as deep - rooted as the education secretary believes».
«The pioneers of the movement questioned many traditional standards of practice that had been ingrained in the care of patients before, during and after surgery, and by doing so, came up with strategies that could benefit the patient,» says Ramirez, an ESRP co-lead.
This installment was once planned for retrofitted 3 - D, but Warner Bros., a studio that enforces traditional standards, decided against that after observing the disastrous results of other 2 - D films converted to 3 - D.
Beyond their strange mutant powers — sniffing emotions and attracting lightning among them — their bond speaks the capacity to dismantle social constructs associated with physical appearances by rewiring traditional standards.
The addition of this half - ton range of pickups completes the Nissan Titan lineup, as the Titan XD is meant to slot in between traditional standard - duty and heavy - duty offerings from Ford, GM, and Ram.
His order of accomplishments may seem reversed by traditional standards until you realize that... [Read more...]
On their website, Amazon's revealed the «Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count (KENPC v1.0)»: a calculation based off traditional standards of margin spacing, font size, etc..
A French painter and sculptor known for his visionary approach to aesthetics, Jean Dubuffet embraced the so - called «low art» and rejected traditional standards of beauty in favor of what he believed to be a more authentic and humanistic approach to image - making.
His idealistic approach to aesthetics embraced so called» Low Art» and eschewed traditional standards of beauty in favor of what he believed to be a more authentic and humanistic approach to image making.
They also gave birth to the Black is Beautiful movement, which challenged and redefined traditional standards of beauty and which is central to Thomas» work.
Even if the IOM recommendations are fully and effectively implemented, this timing could make it hard to assess the impact of the changes on trainees» career outcomes — whether the skill set IOM is advocating create new research leaders or scientists who struggle for jobs in a marketplace that still values more traditional standards of success.
What we are saying, is that confidence is still excessively high by traditional standards, valuations are still too expensive and therefore, investors need to be on alert for a resumption of the secular bear trend.»
This was a time of immense social and political conflict, change, and transformation — the civil rights movement, the black is beautiful movement, and the second wave of feminism — during which many women, particularly African - Americans, rejected and redefined traditional standards of beauty.
Rather than the traditional standard of units sold that beverage retailers use to track the success of a product, Campbell talked about his product in terms of its profit margins for the retailer.
Both companies insist that they're not media companies — they don't want to be — and by traditional standards they aren't.
Silvercloud is a small fund by traditional standards — with about $ 10 million total capital — but its size makes it the perfect funding partner for companies like Fauxcrete that are stuck in the «black hole» between individuals and traditional large investment funds.
The year - to - year «lumpiness» of the performance that goes hand - in - hand with my focus on relatively risky (by traditional standards) equities will make the TSI stock selections unsuitable for many people.
Try our traditional Standard Savings account.
Certainly not by traditional standards.
This freedom is particularly evident in the modern arts, in which unrestrained experimentation with new forms, unshackled by preconceptions or traditional standards, is expected and encouraged.
I also attacked Roe v. Wade for «finding a highly controversial moral theory» this time of radical individual autonomy» in the «due process» provision,... with little effort to justify the decision by the traditional standards of constitutional reasoning.»
Among America's mainstream denominations, only those with strict rules and traditional standards, those at the sectarian end of the scale, are attracting many new converts.
This zuppa toscana was intended to be a copycat of the Olive Garden version, which is certainly a «type» of Italian food — although even I wouldn't call it authentic by traditional standards I understand the difference, but that doesn't make me love BOTH traditional or «adapted» Italian cuisine any less.
«A specialty of Table 45 is world cuisine — taking different types of cuisines throughout the world and keeping to the traditional standard, but also mixing different cuisines and cultures together to create certain dishes,» Schoeffler describes.
By the traditional standards of party loyalty, it was a setback for Mr. Cuomo on Tuesday when Republicans captured the State Senate in convincing fashion, since the party stands in the way of a number of his liberal goals.
Some of those DNA patents seem overly broad or otherwise fail to meet the traditional standards for awarding intellectual property, and critics fret that their abusive exercise could hamper biomedical research.
The actual blood levels in Flint children have not been made public but researchers believe very few if any children experienced blood lead levels that would by traditional standards be considered poisonous.
The traditional standard of care had been to abandon aggressive surgical resection in favor of spinal fluid shunting followed by empiric radiotherapy.
To move beyond the traditional standard of beauty, Anderson, 40 — who works with stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Lena Dunham — stresses not all our shapes are created equal.
I have felt so much pressure by many people to move forward with it because it's a «good job» by traditional standards.
Which made thousands of women ran to saloons with their crave to shed inches of hairs while keeping the traditional standards of feminine beauty.
And with the advent of free online dating, the rules of the game have changed a bit while the traditional standards have taken a step down.
She charges towards life and doesn't care about what others think of her, even though she doesn't really abide by any traditional standards of motherhood.
The traditional standard - based curriculum has stifled the risk - loving teachers by tying students» performance with their pay.
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