Sentences with phrase «traditional types of church»

Someone who states they are a person of faith but then spends the entire article attacking traditional types of church beliefs.

Not exact matches

I think all the author was saying was that it isn't «the great apostasy» or even mere self - indulgence (we want an in - church barista type thing) that is turning some people of faith — both young and old — away from corporate «traditional» gathering.
There is a traditional main - line position that favors the confessional Catholic state as the ideal type of relationship between church and state.
The recent, though scantily reported, rise within Jewry of a «Messianic» movement which, while affirming the continued theological validity of the Jewish people, also accepts Jesus as Israel's Messiah, could not have occurred in past centuries when the traditional churches held sway and routinely burned premillenial types at the stake as heretics.
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