Sentences with phrase «traditions as»

It was pretty close between Ecover and Tropical Traditions as to which one cleaned better, and I'd use either one.
It is one of ALLEA's tasks to defend the role of basic science (in all fields of scientific inquiry), and to argue for the diversity of national research traditions as potential assets to be carefully evaluated.
Labour moderates need a new name (not Blairite or anything redolent of), philosophy (vintage in tapping into the same revisionist traditions as the Third Way, while also being thoroughly contemporary), and (having been comprehensively out organised by the left during the leadership election) structures.
They should wield the House rules, procedures, and traditions as skillfully as Joe DiMaggio played baseball in his waning years.
Call me ethnocentric, but I was born in the Northern Territories of the British Protectorate of the Gold Coast Colony and only joined Ghana after the plebiscite in 1956; therefore I am very sensitive to other citizens not respecting our customs and traditions as well, including the President as first citizen for the meantime.
He urged the public, especially Gadangmes, to respect the customs and traditions as the ban on drumming and noise making, which precede the Homowo, has begun.
He urged the public, especially Gadangmes, to respect the customs and traditions as the ban...
Your church members still sing about David and Jerusalem and see their own indigenous traditions as pagan and savage.
By the same token, I still believe that we need to rediscover and reinterpret the three overlapping political traditions — conservative, liberal and socialist or social - democratic — that have woven in and out of our history for well over a century; and that we have at least as much to learn from our complex religious traditions as from political ones.
In this episode, we talk about a lot of interesting and time - proven Chinese traditions as well as concrete practical tips to get the nutrition your need for your postpartum recovery in today's modern world.
At FXW, our children have the opportunity to not only learn about their Catholic religion but (learn) about other faith traditions as well.
We are slowly building lots of family traditions as our daughter is only two, but so far we have really enjoyed celebrating winter with her — reading about Jack Frost, talking about winter trees and foraging for branches in the woods to make wreathes.
United will expect their new manager to at least show lip service to their traditions as a side that have historically given youth its day.
Other local rivals, St. Mary's, Santa Clara and Stanford, all share long, rich rugby traditions as well, with St. Mary's having just won their first National Championship (in ANY sport), May 2014, at Stanford (featuring many local ruggers), and repeated in 2015!
, not so much reimagining traditions as enhancing them
When we publish a recipe submission, we award recipe authors with a $ 50 gift certificate to Tropical Traditions as compensation to the author for sharing their recipe and photo on our blog.
I am obsessed with coconut and use tropical traditions as my lotion now a days and it has done wonders for my skin, but shaving... this is just fabulous.
Every fall, I make Apple Crisp and it's one of my family's traditions as a...
I love spiciness and peanuts combined, it is a classic combo in West African cooking traditions as well.
My family has pretty big 4th celebrations also but no food traditions as awesome as this ice cream!
As they get older I look forward to starting new traditions as well as continuing with traditions I grew up with.
So we are called to re-examine data from the biblical and historic traditions as well as to interpret new data.
Bonds of loyalty allow us to resist tyranny, whether in the form of the utilitarian despotism of global capitalism or the universal moralism that regards our traditions as impediments to the realization of true justice.
So we argue that it is reasonable to regard the traditions as having developed in the following order.
Is there a perspective that honors the distinctive testimony of the various faith traditions as religiously significant?
Yet the image of members of other traditions as living across the sea is still the dominant one.
It was charged «to undertake a penetrating search... into our national life, our past as well as our present, our traditions as well as our institutions, our culture, our customs and our laws.»
We have learned much about other traditions as well as about ourselves.
In fact we do not cease thinking of these traditions as religious when they fail to function as the overarching ways of life for people who identify themselves with them.
The worshipers of economic growth guided by this theology are tolerant of other religious traditions as long as they give up any claim to binding everything together.
A political system, along with such supportive traditions as the rule of law and loyal opposition, is supposed to be a durable fixture on the political landscape and ought not to be changed lightly.
The notion that morality applies to individuals and not to governments is completely contrary to a central doctrine of Reformed theology which is endorsed, in varying forms, by other Christian traditions as well: that Jesus Christ is the Lord not just of the church, nor of a special sphere of religious activity, but of all of the natural and human world.
The persistent criticisms made by thinkers within the church along with a growing body of adverse research is creating an increasing questioning of paid - time programming, even from people within similar theological traditions as the broadcasters themselves.
The product of research must be relevant to both, significant to both, and cogent in both... (The) thesis should be recognizable in both traditions as a constructive advance.»
Where significant challenge comes from those who stand within the same traditions as the broadcaster, the likelihood of theological prejudice is minimized and the broadcaster is more likely to be confronted with the appropriateness of the challenge.
They also mistakenly presumed that the laity were as firmly attached to the traditions as they themselves were.
Most recently, they have sought to wrestle — together with people of other faiths — with the awful issues everyone must confront today - nuclear war, hunger, disease, the despoiling of the ecosphere — and to reach into the various traditions as possible sources of values and visions for facing such horrors.
CNN made no effort to debunk Mr. Messer's claim of being a rabbi, or in anyway noting that Messianic Christians are not Jews, but are Christians who use Jewish cermonies and traditions as part of their worship service.
Hispanic Americans are one of the fastest - growing demographics in evangelicalism, surging in Pentecostal and Assemblies of God traditions as well as among Southern Baptists, where a majority of new church plants are now non-white.
For example, Christian dalits in India, who were earlier fighting for justice as Christians, basing themselves exclusively on biblical resources, now realize that there are resources in other religious traditions as well to undergird the struggle for justice.
Expanding refugee protection would be consistent with our best traditions as a nation.
Yes, I know it was also Jewish tradition and part of some cultural traditions as well.
Certainly you can find a love for Scripture, personal faith, deviled eggs and Chubby Bunny in other Christian traditions as well.
Gradually, however, the realities of cultural politics are becoming evident even to secular academics, and some political scientists have developed survey items that distinguish among religious traditions as well as levels of religious commitment (the latter measured by church attendance, devotional practices, and the like).
An example of the development of Christian exegetical traditions as we see the matter, having taken our starting - point from Lindars's work, may be found below in the discussion of the apocalyptic Son of man sayings.
Part of our new modesty about the authority of word in theology is the willingness to live into the experience of other traditions as we plumb our own theological sensibilities.
That is why it has become common to speak of the various traditions as «paths of faith».
I especially like the background image combination that effectively illustrate just that: the background traditions as opposed to the centrality of Christ that the cross in the foreground conveys.
The sermons in the mosque — for in this respect they follow Jewish and Christian custom — are based upon the Koran mainly, though frequently upon the Traditions as well.
A large number of leading New Testament scholars have now rejected these traditions as unhistorical, leaving us with two conclusions: the first, that none of the Gospels was written by an eye - witness of the events described in it, and the second, that the earliest Gospel, that of Mark, was written thirty - five years or more after the death of Jesus, and the other three Gospels were written nearly sixty years or more after the same point.
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