Sentences with phrase «traffic along these roadways»

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The equipment transmits speed and position data from the vehicle to other participating vehicles as well as infrastructure such as traffic signals and research equipment located at intersections or along roadways.
One of her professors shared the story of an incident between an international organization and a rural village in Africa in which the mothers of the village opposed the construction of a new road through the community for fear that their children, who had to walk to school along the roadway, would be hit by speeding traffic.
The new six - lane roadway underpass and double - decker railroad bridge will eliminate these sizeable traffic delays along with the potential for rail - grade crossing collisions.
The vinyl - on - aluminum signs by artist Ryan McGinness were installed on sign posts and traffic lights at five «rest stops» along the route of the weekly Summer Streets program, when the city shuts down about 7 miles of roadways for recreation.
Just by tracking how quickly those phones move along the roadway you can get a pretty good picture of traffic conditions.
Beware of the tendency to idle along roadways at speeds slower than the posted limit because doing so blocks the flow of traffic, causes congestion, and increase the potential for an accident to occur.
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