Sentences with phrase «tragic reminder»

We have had ample, tragic reminders in Canada of just how vulnerable human rights are when national security — real or overstated — is at stake.
The horrifying mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School offered yet another tragic reminder of America's gun problem: The US has much more firearm violence than its developed peers.
Then one of you said — again at the same Thai place which now feels more like a tragic reminder of some distant happiness — «Should we see a doctor?»
Norton, 160 pages, $ 14.95 The vicious riots that took place last spring in the South - Central section of Los Angeles may be taken as a tragic reminder of the need for all Americans continually to evaluate....
«This a tragic reminder of a historic legacy of violence,» she said.
The recent preventable deaths of two young football players (as well as several others in the recent past) should serve as a tragic reminder that medical personnel, professional societies and industry must strive harder to connect in order to translate evolving scientific recommendations and guidelines down to the ground level: the athletes.
«The unfortunate incident is a tragic reminder of the hazards associated with the flying profession.
Earlier, Rep. Steve Israel (D - L.I.) called the Tucson bloodbath a «tragic reminder that we can not remain silent when political rhetoric turns violent.»
People often think of E. Coli poisoning as a beef - eater's disease, but the outbreak linked to raw spinach is a tragic reminder that the bacteria often spread through animal droppings into produce growers» water, soil or fertilizer.
The situation in Texas is a tragic reminder of just how dangerous our natural world can become.
«This unfortunate situation is a tragic reminder of how important it is to receive proper pre-travel education and to protect yourself from mosquitoes when traveling abroad,» said Dr. Dagmar Vitek, medical director for SLCoHD in a statement.
An American version of Jean Renoir's version of Emile Zola's novel La Bete Humaine, Fritz Lang's Human Desire is a tragic reminder that jealousy is a self - fulfilling prophecy.
This outrageous case is a tragic reminder that mistreatment of animals for the sake of profit is not a rare occurrence and its consequences are horrific.
«The deaths of these dogs serve as a tragic reminder never to patronize dog sled tour operations.
This is a lesson the conservatives keep forgetting, and the events in Iraq today serve as a tragic reminder of that fact.
The disaster was a tragic reminder of the urgent need for the negotiations to make meaningful progress, said Lucille Sering, the Filipino Minister of the Climate Change Commission.
One family narrowly avoided a tragic reminder that our place atop the food - chain isn't without some competition.
The death of a 22 - year - old pedestrian in an Alabama hit - and - run stands as a tragic reminder that drivers involved in automobile accidents must remain at the scene.
The current ongoing inquest into the Ashley Smith case is a tragic reminder of that.
This accident is a tragic reminder that driving without wearing a seatbelt can have fatal consequences.
With Alecia Wheeler's story as a tragic reminder, Fraidin recognized the tremendous «bang legal services lawyers provide for every buck» and how public interest lawyers could help save lives.
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