Sentences with phrase «trailer for one's book»

In fact, self - publishing and small - press authors should create book trailers for their books because they do not need to cost a lot of money and excite readers.
There is a reason why successful authors have book video trailers for their books.
They are to do trailers for their book and go talk to folks and, no, usually they are not reimbursed by the publisher.
There is a website and even an animated trailer for the book.
I'm making trailers for my books, and I'm using some of the tactics you included in this Hub.
It's time to get on board to make a simple trailer for your book.
Getting your video trailer for your book onto the right sites isn't difficult, but it does take a bit of focus.
If you have a book trailer for your book please put the link here and it will be embedded in your book post!
And that's what a book trailer is: a movie trailer for a book.
Focus Features has released the official trailer for The Book of Henry directed by Colin Trevorrow (Jurassic World, Safety Not Guaranteed) and we have it for you below!
Paramount Pictures has unveiled the first trailer for Book Club, the upcoming romantic comedy which looks to be the female equivalent of Last Vegas.
If you're ready to drive more traffic to your sales page and increase your book's marketing exposure, Self - Publishing Relief can create a unique, attention - getting video trailer for your book at a price that's more affordable than you'd think.
On a lighter note, the first trailer for the book - to - film adaptation The Rum Diary has arrived and it shows off Johnny Depp as Paul Kemp, a journalist who relocates to Puerto Rico and gets tangled up in a corrupt businessman's (Aaron Eckhart) scheme to put life on the island in the wealthy's favor.
«Film 14 did a brilliant book trailer for my book which was extremely professional.
Sharing a vid trailer for my book coming out with Rodale this fall....
In this new trailer for Book Club, four lifelong friends are shocked — no, really shocked — when they read Fifty Shades of Grey.
Unfortunately, MOST authors (likely including you) are NOT creating video trailers for their books because, a) It is probably expensive; b) They don't know how; or c) They just don't care that much about their book!
Because I love dogs so much (and I'm not alone on this here at BookPage), I'm featuring TWO trailers for books from our November dog book feature!
I've had the chance to experiment, testing cover designs on a pool of collaborators, opening up my first draft to self - selected «editors» from social media and making a film - style trailer for the book.
The discs open with a Focus Features promo and trailers for The Book of Henry and The Ottoman Lieutenant.
Self - Publishing Relief can create a professional, unique, and memorable book trailer for your book at prices starting at $ 900.
I was especially intrigued by a video trailer for the book in which Bell asks the very questions I've been asking myself since childhood and the very questions with which so many in my generation wrestle:
The trailer for your book is so beautiful, and even though I just had a huge breakfast my mouth is watering again.
Most people probably only know Maisie Williams as a badass assassin on Game Of Thrones or a badass immortal on Doctor Who, but she's pretty far from either of those things in this trailer for The Book Of Love.
First things first: how utterly fabulous does Jane Fonda look in the trailer for Book Club?
I will give Focus Features this: the trailer for The Book of Henry is not misleading.
The trailer for The Book of Henry, Colin Trevorrow «s follow - up to his box office hit Jurassic World, has been arrived.
We create a stunning one - minute animated video trailer for your book to help you create the pre-launch buzz.
We'll design and create a 3D interactive book trailer for your book — basically a themed «author's room» that visitors can step inside and explore, all from within their web browser.
«EASILY Create Professional - Looking Video Trailers for Your Books... EVEN If You Don't Own a Video Camera or Know How to Use Video Editing Software!»
I love featuring book trailers on my site and someday I hope to have more than the one book trailer for my books.
Of course, if YOU have a trailer for YOUR book, that's GREAT news because it gives you a HUGE advantage over everyone else!
Do you have a paranormal book trailer for your book?
Filed Under: Book Promotion Tagged With: Book promotion, Google Video, video trailers for books, YouTube
But, if you have just 30 minutes and a video trailer for your book, and you want to do just two simple things that can instantly increase the book promotion potential of your trailer, then log into YouTube and Google Video.
Please watch, subscribe, and if you want a book trailer for your book (s) then take a look at our book trailer packages.
Yes, this is why an author should invest in a book trailer for their book.
Jerome did the trailer for my book, Gates of Hell.
(Tip: If you're considering a trailer for your book, (and you should) check out «How I Made and Use My Book Trailer» by Niki Breeser Tschirgi.)
You can watch a trailer for the book here.
At your option, we also feature your video trailer for your book, a scroll - box of Amazon customer reviews, an online sample of your book integrated right into the blog post, and clickable book cover images for up to four additional books by you.
The trailer for this book demonstrates different moves directly from the author.
Have you considered a book trailer for your book?
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