Sentences with phrase «training phase»

We are just starting into the potty training phase with our daughter.
In the initial training phase of the experiment, listeners watched each video before responding with one of two names to indicate who they thought they saw.
Twenty further pairs, with identical features, were created for the initial training phase.
You wouldn't be so mentally frustrated if you weren't teaching your toddler how to wipe his own butt and giving the potty training phase all that you have.
So during the steady state training phase, you should maintain your heart rate between 150 and 155.
Essentially, belly bands are wraps that a dog can wear around his waist during the house training phase.
One thing I never had enough of were crib sheets, especially during the potty training phase when we still used the crib mattress.
Despite the considerable challenges of a scientific career — relatively low pay, long hours, a very long training phase, and a tight job market — scientists say they enjoy the work.
After the cognitive training phase of the experiment, all three sets of mice remained in their cages for a month.
Get the body warmed up in a proper manner and resist the urge to skip this important training phase.
One of our most popular and brutal training phases has set it sites on your core.
The training program should cover rest periods on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis, and as well, across several training phases in the program.
You set a stronger foundation for more advanced and demanding training phases.
So, unless there is some very important reason to exceed it, please do not exceed a ten minute training phase.
During the behind the wheel drivers training phase the student driver is instructed in vehicle control basics and also applications of defensive driving fundamentals in real driving environment.
The highs are high, but the lows are lower, and trying to find a happy medium during the unpredictable potty training phase is nearly impossible.
You can either start this Rottweiler puppy training phase with the «sit» or «down» command, whichever works best for you and your dog.
In the clinical training phase of your M.D., apply for an F32.
Next Wave: Many administrators in the life and physical sciences see the postdoc as an extra training phase beyond the Ph.D..
It must be noted that the RFD is aided by the preceding actions of the eccentric and isometric portion of the lift, hence once training those phases the concentric portion feel explosive.
Two sides of an animal shelter were differentially entered into training phases in a multiple baseline design.
Constantly having treats available in the early training phase allows Sadie to be rewarded for good behavior all the time, not just at «training time.»
Again, the time it takes for the actual potty training phase varies drastically from child to child (yet again).
The participants then participated in the fMRI - neurofeedback training phase while inside the MRI scanner.
This includes a preparatory training phase during which students are supported by predoctoral fellowships, either provided by the research groups of the MPI - CBG and TUD or obtained by the student from another source.
In the research training phase, you can apply to the Loan Repayment Program (LRP) or a K01, K08, K23, or K38 (limited eligibility).
Phelps trains for hours and in his peak training phases he swims nearly 50 miles a week.
In the doping world, it's believed if an athlete dopes up and trains like crazy in the off season when testing is less likely / frequent, the gains made during these aggro training phases can last for a long time.
And, all the while, your body will struggle to continuously adapt to the changing homeostatic threats you present it with in each new training phase.
This is in preparation to handle the ballistic forces in the upcoming explosive / jump training phase.
The weight training program is broken down into three individual training phases — a full body workout routine (for beginners), an upper / lower split and a push / pull / legs split.
Bodybuilding sessions or blocks can offer athletes the necessary training volume to bring about muscle protein synthesis, increase hormonal output, and / or build a better base for more advanced training phases.
Once the base training phase is accomplished then the athlete can begin to push higher weights for greater reps but always using a LSW prior to prime the muscles for using as much aerobic capacity as possible.
The first eight - week phase was the eccentric training phase on one arm, and the second eight weeks was concentric on the opposite arm.
While Aceable offers the online classroom phase of California Drivers Ed, you must take the in - car training phase at a local driving school.
This means that we do not have any one else in the car during the entire training phase.100 % private.
So during the steady state training phase of running exercise or GXP, you should maintain your heart rate between 173 and 180.
And a T32 can support M.D.s in their clinical training phase.
D. program at Rush University in Chicago, Illinois, Robert Sargis expected to spend his next training phase in a traditional 3 - year clinical residency, perhaps followed by another year or two of specialty medical training.
David Rakison, a developmental psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, carried out an initial training phase in which he showed 10 girls and 10 boys, who were all 11 months old, a picture of a spider together with a fearful face.
This is a 6 week training phase - 2 weeks focus on eccentric, 2 weeks isometric, 2 weeks concentric.
When your dog goes outside, always praise him and reward him with a treat, especially during the house training phase.
I know that having two kids doesn't make me an expert by any means but Husband and I managed to get the girls through the potty training phase with very little aggro and it's something for which I'm hugely grateful.
Since our last update on our potty training phase, things are going slowly but surely.
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