Sentences with phrase «training tape»

These events will take place monthly and will give the greater New York Area EFT community a chance to watch training tapes together once a month with a supervisor moderating the discussions.
Video Sundays take place monthly and give the greater New York Area EFT community a chance to watch training tapes together once a month with a supervisor moderating the discussions.
A lot of run blockers only try to come off hard and get that initial pop on a defender, but Williams looked like he was being filmed for training tape on the sleds, chopping his feet and gaining inch after inch after inch until you look up and his has pushed his man five yards off the ball.
Materials include a DVD training tape, Tutor manual with complete lesson plans, and colour - coded letter tiles.
Ideally participants will also have viewed the first training tape — Healing Broken Bonds (available at the Institute).
Okung was in perfect position too; he made it look like training tape footwork.
There was this one guy playing back then, however, whose game film you could probably still use as training tape to this day for young defensive ends who want to learn how to play the game the right way.
A couple weeks back I talked about DeMarcus Lawrence having training tape technique.
She used brief audio training tapes I developed to modify the conflict interaction of these violent men with their wives, obtaining significant proximal changes in interaction and in the satisfaction of wives with the nature of the interaction following treatment.
He has produced a series of DVD and VHS training tapes for parents and professionals on transracial adoptions and kinship care.
They also have a lending library of EFT Training Tapes.
Boulder EFT Community — a membership organization, affiliated like the Center with ICEEFT, this community of therapists offers meetings to review training tapes, examples of Certified Therapist and Supervisors work, collegial support and networking in quarterly meetings.
My assessment of the following is based on team training tapes and information from Marriage Encounter.
In addition, peer consultation groups, individual supervision and group supervision as well as watching ICEEFT training tapes together, are just some of the ways we can grow stronger together in this work.
This workshop will offer a mixture of didactic presentations, case discussion, viewing and discussion of clinical training tapes and experiential exercises.
Ideally participants will also have viewed the first training tape — Healing Broken Bonds.
An explicit «training tape» has people excited about the 49ers for all the wrong reasons.
It was a training tape, showing a young, new teacher at the beginning of his career at Uncommon, trying to hold the attention of his students, then his meeting with the principal to review the tape of those early classes and to practice.
If that review, proudly posted on their website until recently, isn't enough to convince the public of the true nature of the teachers unions, how about this — a training tape, clearly inspired by Alinsky, made by the Michigan Education Association, an NEA affiliate, in the 1990s for union negotiators who collectively bargain with school boards.
In a training tape from a live session at the Psychotherapy Networker conference, the female partner says, «He is trying to connect, but I always aware that I am a mess.»
Her vision is to provide as many EFT training opportunities of all kinds throughout New England, whether it be an evening of colleagues watching a training tape together, a special interest training, or externship and core skills trainings.
They need me to take what I learned in a role - play or watching a training tape in do that intervention in session.
When watching Sue in a training tape or a colleague presenting that seem or are ahead of me in the journey, I chose for this next year to be inspired, not demoralized.
We use didactic instruction, demonstrations from training tapes, live demonstrations with couples, and provide opportunities for formal and informal case supervision.
The training involves a combination of didactic instruction, demonstrations from training tapes, live demonstrations with couples, and opportunities for formal and informal case supervision.
To help educate my assistants, I have them attend board seminars, listen to training tapes, and preview area listings before they can begin.
Sure, your company may have a training director, and you may buy every training tape.
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