Sentences with phrase «transcendent moments»

"Transcendent moments" refer to experiences that go beyond ordinary or everyday life, where people feel a deep sense of connection, wonder, or significance. These moments can be spiritual, awe-inspiring, or simply deeply meaningful and uplifting. Full definition
The art was conceived to offer viewers opportunities for transcendent moments of personal reflection and refuge amid the chaos of contemporary urban life.
2015 offered legitimately transcendent moments and stretches that we'd like to forget.
But there were also transcendent moments across the genres of drama, comedy, horror and science - fiction — something, literally, for everyone.
The mystery aspect of the picture prevents me from going into specifics — except to say Kingsley has simply transcendent moments.
Like any mixtape, it offers some truly transcendent moments alongside a smattering of filler, and never quite assembles its pieces into a cohesive whole.
Her spirit broken by the same tragedy that took her legs, Stephanie gradually finds the courage to go on living trough transcendent moments spent with Ali — a man with precious little pity, but an enormous love of life.
Although First Reformed (opening May 18) is immediately, undeniably a Paul Schrader film — with its lonely and unreliable narrator, unexpected violence, and constant hunger for some enormous transcendent moment — its director doesn't dwell on these associations.
There aren't any such transcendent moments in «Boardwalk Empire», in other words.
Stallings creates transcendent moments of wonder in common life and invites atypical human exchange.
In his recent exhibition, «226,085 Drops,» Spanish - born, Brooklynbased artist Teo González proved himself capable of coaxing transcendent moments from mere daubs of paint.
I watched as the most exquisite, transcendent moment of human experience was channeled via soggy, bloody, out - of - control bodily functions.
But, for every transcendent moment spawned by the post-Mania Raw fans, there have been missteps.
«If that loss leads to a transcendent moment throughout the season «'' we're going to be in that game again, we're going to be in a game like that again «'' if it leads to a transcendent moment where we rally together and find a way to finish that game, I'll look back on (the DLS) game and say it was worth it.
But to most of us they're still about the stories we tell one another, the transcendent moments that lift us — the very way we define ourselves
There are those transcendent moments of parenthood when I watch my children and am gripped with an overpowering love for them.
It's hard, presumably, to assail a negotiation directly that you helped oversee and hailed as a «transcendent moment
Myths like this one sometimes make it seem that science moves along in a series of epiphanies, hopping from one transcendent moment to another.
It's this transcendent moment».
Season 3 does manage to end on something of a transcendent moment while remaining as semi-sweet as what's come before, and we'll always remember the show with fondness.
If the film's visual splendor lacks profundity, Costner does provide a handful of transcendent moments, the most spellbinding of which is Dunbar's participation in a Sioux Buffalo hunt.
But if Toy Story 3 doesn't quite represent the transcendent whole of recent Pixar pictures, it boasts its share of transcendent moments: a fashion show put on by Barbie's new Ken; a flamenco display by Buzz's Latin alter - ego; a baby doll playing Darth Vader to Lotso's Emperor; and (trust me on this) Mr. Pita Head.
It's rooted in that transcendent moment of childhood where almost anything you encounter — a field of weeds, an abandoned house — is tinged with wonder.
Enjoy this Transcendent Moment.
The narrative feels too scattershot to be successful, although slick editing gives the film some transcendent moments.
The topic comes to mind partly because of this year's transcendent moment of joy in Cannes, the scene in Maren Ade's Toni Erdmann in which an uptight young corporate woman is persuaded by her father to sing Whitney Houston's «The Greatest Love of All» at a party and ends up pouring her entire soul into it.
But sometimes there's a transcendent moment when you just know it's true love - a glance across a crowded dinner party, a lingering kiss, heavy with portent, or, in the case of my affair with Monster Hunter World, a massive chicken monster's yellowed beak suckling raw egg out of a giant dinosaur shell.
For Florence, true luxury comes in those transcendent moments on his motorcycle that money can't buy: the smell of the Pacific coming through the Golden Gate, the rich scent in forests of giant sequoias, and the sweetness of strawberries picked fresh.
But sometimes there's a transcendent moment when you just know it's true love - a glance across a crowded dinner party, a lingering kiss, heavy with portent, or, in the case of my affair with Monster Hunter World, a massive chicken monster's yellowed beak suckling raw egg out of a giant dinosaur shell.
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