Sentences with phrase «transcendent quality»

The phrase "transcendent quality" refers to something that surpasses or goes beyond the normal or ordinary. It represents a superior or extraordinary level of excellence or beauty that stands out and exceeds expectations. Full definition
As man exalts God in transcendent quality, at the same time he pushes him steadily farther off from human need.
Like with the films of Mr. Boll, the blunt farce of Beyond the Reach's disastrous final act takes on a briefly transcendent quality, as though No Country for Old Men was made in the 80s with Anton Chigurh reworked to be more like Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers.
MARGO SAWYER, FAAR Reflect - Reflection on Synchronicity of Color Margo Sawyer's artistic practice investigates the relationship between space and transcendence; the places where architecture and ritual converge to create transcendent qualities that encourage a state of contemplation within the viewer.
The numinous, transcendent quality often ascribed to a strain of Color Field painting is here no longer metaphoric.
Across society we see the impact of the materialist creed and its rejection of our transcendent qualities as untrue.
More nearly adequate is a view of the Holy Spirit which emphasizes continuing discovery of larger truth and a recognition of the transcendent quality of God, calling us forward to degrees of perfection never before imagined.
In either case appearance predominates over principle, and civility, now corrupted, loses its transcendent quality.
The stakes this far up the list are high, though, and I just don't feel like World ever had the transcendent quality of a game like Super Mario 3, Galaxy or Yoshi's Island.
Inspired by the transcendent qualities of paintings by Mark Rothko and Ad Reinhardt, Martin considered herself to be an Abstract Expressionist.
The paintings take on a spectral, transcendent quality, as if seen through a fog that only gradually lifts as we begin to discern the figures, making reception of them slower, and pushing them towards abstraction.
Her works captured ordinary objects and everyday life in poetic ways and transcendent quality.
Looking at reproductions doesn't even hint at the transcendent quality of her paintings, revealed in their glory here.
Many have tried to articulate the structure's transcendent qualities, but, as with the Acropolis, it must be experienced to be fully understood.
Gisèle Croës believes the best art has a transcendent quality that rises above specific contexts and time.
Reinhardt's works have a universal, transcendent quality — one that asks for contemplation from its viewer.
We represent an industry that holds the transcendent qualities that define human beings: human interaction and relationships.
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