Sentences with phrase «transcendent values»

The phrase "transcendent values" refers to principles or ideals that go beyond our everyday human experiences or material desires. These values are often seen as universal and timeless, guiding individuals towards a greater sense of purpose or moral significance. They are beliefs or concepts that surpass the ordinary and connect to deeper aspects of human existence. Full definition
Contemporary American psychology largely ignores the possibility of moral choice rooted in a framework of transcendent values.
But when even constructs are dropped, there is a mode of transcendent value - sensing beyond space and time.
But with their conviction of the moral reality in the universe and their recognition of unseen but transcendent values in life, it was not strange that at the farthest outreach of their thought these thinkers should assert a solution in the direction of such values, even if they, as we also, could not formulate precisely the nature of that solution.
It is sometimes suggested that the future of society in the West» and so, perhaps, the world» is open to three «options»: Christianity, Islam, and a consumerism so devoid of transcendent values as to be, inevitably, nothing but a pervasive and pitiless nihilism.
This latter stage rejects transcendent values and slides into decadence and chaos, out of which is born a new ideational culture.
In other words, it is a place where transcendent values are played out and where life conquers death.
If even the hard - core atheists failed to carry out their program of erasing every trace of transcendent values from their moral universe, then how much less can our soft - core atheists expect to accomplish such a goal?
Openness to continually transcendent values is a challenge to the acceptance of present theories, philosophies, and conceptions of the good.
Besides noting that communism represents a kind of survival of transcendent values — though reduced and distorted — it is also important to observe that it has succumbed in a world of increasingly nontranscendent values.
This possibility points us toward a greater crisis that stems from a world plunging itself into a secularized darkness, a world that has lost its anchor in transcendent values — a world, in short, that has forgotten how it once longed for heaven.
Previously, I stated that Camus, following Nietzsche, rejected God on the grounds that any transcendent value might diminish temporal significance.
In light of this it is a matter of considerable irony that utilitarianism itself should implicitly rely in its ideal of the goodness of a life, on the idea that the moral personality has an essentially religious structure: the utilitarian agent must be sufficiently devoted to a transcendent value outside the self that contribution to that end makes their own life good itself.
Singer's aversion to questions of transcendent value, even as he asks us to view morality as the building of a «temple» in a «four - dimensional world,» reveals a philosophic blindness.
She doesn't have the least interest in our god - given human hunger for meaning and transcendent values all Mother Nature cares about is the survival of the species which requires getting the DNA from one generation to the next and providing for the young until they are self - sufficient enough to sustain their own lives and we are the venue.
Colson and Eckerd are surely right: far from «freeing» children and the urban underclass from the «oppressive» influence of religion, the «value - free» solutions mandated by our social engineers are robbing America of those transcendent values necessary for the cultivation of habits of responsibility, accountability, and personal achievement.
Not any more: the dynamics of modernization, accompanied by a growing secularism, have produced a new breed of Americans, epitomized by Ivan Boesky and Michael Milken, who «have no transcendent values, and no goal other than pleasure or work for work's sake.»
More specifically, they refuse to acknowledge the transcendent value embodied in every person.
They maintain a strong conviction that God's guidance surpasses the promptings of the senses, and soon they may rise up and reverse the long decay of civilization, producing a new idealism that restores to transcendent values their proper authority.
Much will have to be changed to allow this to happen, but there are already places within the traditionally secular psychotherapies where there is explicit or implicit recognition of the role of the transcendent values.
It is reduced to a metaphor for the transcendent value of our animating ideals.
Yet most pro-life teaching and debating strategy seems to assume the transcendent value of human life and identity.
The tricky thing for Wenger's transcendent values is over the last few years they've started to conflict with each other very sharply.
Of course, Wenger would not put it that sharply, maintaining that transcendent values should produce results, which they sometimes do, of course, but not over the long haul.
It's extremely problematic for all museums, because it alters the public's perception of artworks from being ciphers of public heritage of transcendent value, to objects for sale to pay other people's debts.»
In an experiment, we asked people, who live in the U.S. state of Vermont, to what extent they care about other communities / people (self - transcendent values), or their own... Continue reading →
These transcendent values support a partner's level of maturity.
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